What happens to the baby if a miscarriage occurs

Health related question in topics a Miscarriage .We found some answers as below for this question “What happens to the baby if a miscarriage occurs”,you can compare them.

A:D&C (dilatation and curettage) is performed to empty the womb – a short operation, after a miscarriage. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-happens-to-the-baby-if-a-miscarriage-occurs ]
More Answers to “What happens to the baby if a miscarriage occurs
What happens to the baby if a miscarriage occurs
D&C (dilatation and curettage) is performed to empty the womb – a short operation, after a miscarriage .
What happens to the baby when a miscarriage occurs in the second …?
Depending on how far along in the trimester, the baby may have to be buried. I think that if you are 5 months along or more is when you have to name and bury the baby.

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Q: I was just watching The Other Boleyn Girl and is sort of got me thinking, what would happen if there was a miscarriage when the baby was, say, 36 months old? I’m guessing they do surgery to remove it, but what would they do a few centuries ago before they had surgery? Would the fetus just be left in the womb or what?sorry i meant 36 weeks
A: 36 weeks? At 36 weeks it is no longer considered a miscarriage. This is a stillbirth, and it depends on the situation how they get the baby out, but sometimes doctors will induce labor to get the baby out.
Im scared of having a miscarriage with my 2nd baby? 🙁 :S?
Q: I have a 2yr old son & we have been TTC #2 for a while now & i hae been under alot of stress lately i have Depression & i get Anxiety along with the panic attacks & im scared that when i finally do conceive the 2nd baby what if somehow my body rejects the fetus cause of all the stress i have been under? when i conceived #1 i wasnt stressed out about anythign AT ALL & i didnt even suffer from Anxiety back then or anything that was when i was 18! im now 21, what are thing i can do to prevent a miscarriage cause alot of people on this site have had one & so did my cousin ive learnt that they are common & can happen to anyone?! how much of a chance do i have with my 2nd pregnancy? cause the 1st was successful & im just scared ill loose the baby at around 6weeks or somewhere around their cause thats the main time when miscarriages are bound to occur isnt it.Thanks.
A: (just wondering’s wife answering)if your first pregnancy went well, you have an excellent change of 0 problems in your next one.I wouldnt worry about it, but i would go see your OB and ask them what you can do to make sure conceiving goes as well as can be, he’ll probalby start you on pre-natals. also you have to control the fear. if you believe in God, ask him to help with the fear and anxiety, give it to him, or else your body may not be ready to conceive (that may be why its taking so long to conceive)also when i suffer from anxiety (and OCD) my doc told me to stop and take a few really deep breaths in and out (sounds crazy i know) but it helps to break the cycle of going down that path, you should try it.no meditating or anything like that, just some good ol’ fashioned deep breaths.he said it helped give more oxygen to my brain and would disrupt my thought process by focusing on breathing for a few seconds,and help with the anxiety (im curretnly 9 m pregnant and im doing fine with my stress and anxiety, i have had a LOT of stress this pregnancy and anxiety.. ) so try those two thingsgood luck and God bless!
If I never under go a D and C or Miscarriage medical management could the foetus and tissue remain in me 4eva?
Q: Been told that my baby has little hope, I am around 7 weeks, baby should be about 5mm but is only 3, no heartbeat present. Been told to expect the worst. Going back next week for another scan and if it is bad news I have to choose what to do. Was wondering if I decided to wait for it to happen naturally, how long would it take to start? And is there a chance it would never start in which case surgery or medical managment would have to occur?
A: when I had my miscarriage they gave me the option D&C or let it pass on its own I choose D&C I think it would have just made it harder to have passed it on my own and have to see that so…you have to make the decision that you feel is best for you
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