What else causes miscarriages

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A:Women with poorly controlled diabetes are at great risk for miscarriage, also, Hormone Imbalance or Abnormalities of the..more? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-else-causes-miscarriages ]
More Answers to “What else causes miscarriages
What else could cause a miscarriage
The cause of a miscarriage cannot always be determined. The most common known causes of miscarriage in the first third of MORE?
What else can cause miscarriage apart from stress?
The vast majority of miscarriages occur because there is a problem with the developing foetus and not because of anything the mother did or didn’t do. It is common for women who miscarry to try and find a reason or to blame themselves but i…

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What causes miscarriages?
Q: I know smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs cause miscarriages but what else causes mc??
A: Most first trimester miscarriages are caused by problems with the chromosomes of the foetus. The most important risk factor for miscarriage is probably the age of the mother: -Women under 25 have a 9% risk of having a miscarriage. -Women between 25 and 29 have an 11% risk of having a miscarriage. -Women between 30 and 34 have a 15% risk of having a miscarriage. -Women between 35 and 39 have a 25% risk of having a miscarriage. -Women between 40 and 44 have a 51% risk of having a miscarriage. -Women over 45 years have a 75% risk of having a miscarriage. Other risk factors for having a miscarriage include: – obesity, – smoking during pregnancy, – drug misuse during pregnancy (particularly cocaine), – drinking more than 200mg of caffeine a day (equivalent of two mugs of tea or instant coffee, one mug of filter coffee or five cans of cola), – drinking more than two units of alcohol a week (one unit is half a pint of bitter or ordinary strength lager, a small glass of wine or a 25ml measure of spirits). There are a number of chronic (long-lasting) health conditions that can increase the risk of having a miscarriage. These are: – diabetes (if it is poorly controlled), – severe high blood pressure (hypertension), – lupus (a condition where the immune system attacks healthy tissue), – kidney disease, – overactive or underactive thyroid gland. InfectionsThere are a number of infections that may increase the risk of having a miscarriage. These include: – rubella (German measles), – cytomegalovirus (CMV), and – toxoplasmosis (a bacterial infection). Miscarriage can also be caused by a bacterial infection of the vagina. This type of infection is known as bacterial vaginosis (BV).AntibodiesAntibodies are proteins that are produced by the immune system to fight infection. Approximately 15% of women with a history of recurrent miscarriages (three or more miscarriages in a row) have a higher than usual level of an antibody called antiphospholipid (aPL) in the blood. The aPL antibodies are known to cause blood clots. These blood clots can block the supply of blood to the foetus, which can cause a miscarriage.Having a high number of aPL antibodies in your blood is known as Hughes syndrome. Womb structureProblems and abnormalities with the womb can also lead to second trimester miscarriages. Possible problems with the structure of the womb include: – fibroids (non-cancerous growths in the womb), – scarring on the surface of the womb. Weakened cervixIn some cases, the muscles of the cervix (the opening of the womb) are weaker than usual. This is known as a weakened cervix.The muscle weakness can cause the cervix to open too early during pregnancy, leading to a miscarriage. HyperprolactinaemiaProlactin is a hormone that is produced during pregnancy. It helps prepare the breasts for breastfeeding. Sometimes, women have a higher level of prolactin in their body than usual. This is known as hyperprolactinaemia. Some limited evidence suggests that hyperprolactinaemia may be linked to an increased risk of miscarriage. Polycystic ovary syndrome Polycystic ovary syndrome (POS) is a condition where the ovaries are larger than normal. It can lead to hormonal imbalances inside the womb.POS is known to be a leading cause of infertility. There is some evidence to suggest that it may also be linked to an increased risk of miscarriage in women who are still fertile.However, the exact role that POS plays in miscarriages is unclear.Misconceptions about miscarriageThere are a number of widely held assumptions about the possible causes of miscarriages. For example, maternal stress is often believed to be a cause. However, there is no evidence to support such claims.An increased risk of miscarriage is also not linked to: – a mother’s emotional state during pregnancy, such as being stressed or depressed, – having a shock or fright during pregnancy, – exercise during pregnancy (but discuss what type of exercise is suitable for you during pregnancy with your GP or midwife), – lifting or straining during pregnancy, – working during pregnancy, – having sex during pregnancy.
Besides it just happens, what else causes a miscarriage?
Q: Will over exercising, lifting heavy objects, doing crunches etc. cause a miscarriage?
A: miscarriages are more usually caused by birth defect,An abnormal embryo or fetus, which can include abnormal development or chromosomal abnormalities,The mother may have a hormonal deficiency; often a lack of progesterone can cause the pregnancy to end. Deformities of the uterus or fibroid tumors can cause an interruption in the pregnancy. An incompetent cervix, or a cervix that does not stay closed can be the explanation. If the pregnant woman has illnesses such as high blood pressure, diabetes, an infection, or some viruses the baby can be effected and a miscarriage could possibly result. Some studies have shown that mothers who smoke cigarettes or marijuana have a greater incidence of miscarriage.
What else can cause early pregnancy bleeding?
Q: I am 10 weeks pregnant. I’ve had spotting and some bleeding for the past several weeks. It did stop for awhile, but returned. I’ve been to my doctor every week and every week there is a heartbeat. Besides the obvious (miscarriage), what else can cause this? Thanks!
A: Bleeding During PregnancyVaginal bleeding can occur during pregnancy for many reasons. This can be a very frightening experience for an expectant mom. If you experience any bleeding during pregnancy contact your doctor immediately. Some women will have spotting or bleeding during early pregnancy. Twenty to twenty-five percent of women have spotting or bleeding during pregnancy. Half of these women go on to have no other problems due to the bleeding. This can be caused by many reasons.Bleeding during Early PregnancySome women have implantation bleeding during early pregnancy. This usually occurs during the first few weeks of pregnancy. You may notice slight bleeding around the time your period was supposed to arrive. This happens because the fertilized egg is attaching to the uterine wall. Sometimes light bleeding or brown spotting will follow this. Your doctor may order tests to check your hormone levels. Often doctors will check HCG levels to see how far along you are in pregnancy. HCG levels should double approximately ever two days. Your doctor may check your levels more than once to see that they are rising appropriately. Low HCG levels can indicate a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. It is important to let your doctor know if you have any spotting or bleeding no matter how light it might be. Spotting after sexMany women will have light spotting after sex or following an internal exam at their doctors. Please let your doctor know if you have had sex prior to the time you noticed spotting.Ectopic pregnancyEctopic pregnancy occurs when the fertilized egg attaches somewhere outside the uterus. About one percent of pregnancies are ectopic. The symptoms of ectopic pregnancy are spotting and pain in the abdominal area, usually on one side. Your doctor may perform an ultrasound or order HCG testing to check for an ectopic pregnancy. HCG levels may rise during an ectopic pregnancy but not rise appropriately.MiscarriageA miscarriage is the loss of a pregnancy before the twentieth week of pregnancy. About twenty percent of all pregnancies end in miscarriage. There are many causes for miscarriage. The most common are a result of chromosomal abnormalities, uterine anomalies, infection, or placental circulation. Signs of miscarriage are spotting or bleeding and cramping during pregnancy. If you are concerned that you are miscarrying call your doctor right away. Your doctor may perform an ultrasound. Fifty percent of women who have spotting during pregnancy do not miscarry. If during the ultrasound the doctor sees a heartbeat, your chances of miscarriage are even less. If you have an ultrasound between seven and eleven weeks of pregnancy and a heartbeat is seen, your chances of miscarrying are less than ten percent.Bleeding during late pregnancyThere are several causes for bleeding during late pregnancy. Sometimes bleeding can be a sign of normal labor; however, any time you experience bleeding during pregnancy you should call your doctor right away. Bleeding in late pregnancy can be a sign of problems with the placenta such as placenta previa or placental abruption. It could also be a sign of a late miscarriage if you are in your second trimester or preterm labor.Placenta previaPlacenta previa occurs when the placenta lies low in the uterus. It may cover or partially cover the cervix. Placenta previa is diagnosed by ultrasound. A low-lying placenta will often correct itself during pregnancy. As the pregnancy progresses the attachment site may rise away from the cervix. Placenta previa is one of the most common causes for bleeding in the third trimester. If bleeding is severe an immediate cesarean may be required to stop the bleeding and to save the mother’s life.Placental abruptionPlacental abruption is when the placenta separates from the uterus. Sometimes a partial separation occurs and sometimes it will separate completely. This is an emergency situation and can result in the death of the baby or the mother. Symptoms include vaginal bleeding, abdominal pain and tenderness, and a continuous uterine contraction.Bleeding can also occur do to labor. If you are approaching your due date and notice a small amount of bleeding, this could be an indication that you are going into labor. Contact your doctor as soon as possible.
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