What do doctors do for a woman who had a miscarriage

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A:The main goal of treatment during or after a miscarriage is to prevent hemorrhaging and/or infection. Doctors will monitor frequently to make sure one does not become sick. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-do-doctors-do-for-a-woman-who-had-a-miscarriage ]
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For women who had multiple miscarriages, were the doctors able to figure why and fix the problem?
Q: Were you able to go on to have healthy babies?I just had my 3rd possible miscarriage in a year, and I am so sad.I have an appointment with a gyno this week. What could he do to help?
A: There are a lot of blood tests that they need to do. Yes, after my third miscarriage, I finally started getting some answers. My progesterone was really low, and I have a small blood clotting disorder, both easily fixed with medications. I am very sorry for your losses and I wish you the best in ttc!
Women who have had miscarriages Should I be worried? Should I go to the doctor?
Q: I had a natural miscarriage at 4 weeks pregnant on July 15th. I bled for 8 days. My HCG level was 0 on July 25th it has been exactly 6 weeks since then and I haven’t gotten my period yet. I took a HPT test last week and it was negative so should I go to the doctor or how long should I wait for my period to come back? I have read many things about miscarriages for instance I read it can take 4 to 12 weeks to get back your period. If anyone has experienced a miscarriage and can you tell me what your experiences were. I do appreciate any comments and advice I can get. Thank you
A: i miscarried not too long ago and when the fetus passed it was bloody fr about a week or so, then i just spotted for another week, but if I remember correctly i didn get my normal period back for almost 2 months, my body had the pregnancy hormone still in it, your body may just think your still pregnant, you can either give your body time to adjust or if your very worried then you should see the doc, but if your stressing out about it, that also couold be prolonging a missed period…stress and hormones affect periods in different ways!
For Women who have had a miscarriage….?
Q: Im 13 weeks pregnant with my 3rd child…Since I was 5 weeks pregnant doctors have told me I might miscarry because I kept bleeding on and off….I just don’t know what to really think anymore For the past 2 days Ive been going to the bathroom and every time I wipe there’s brownish blood on the toilet paper.Yesterday I passes one dime sized clot and that was about it….Does this sound like a miscarriage? Im looking forward to this pregnancy so much…I wanted a baby boy this time…I have an appt on the 22nd but my husband and I are going the hospital tomorrow morning when he gets off work….I pray everything is okay with our baby! I feel so heartbroken already….WOMEN WHO HAVE HAD A MISCARRIAGE WHAT WERE YOUR EARLY SIGNS?PLEASE ANSWER!Ive been bleeding on and off since I was 5 weeks pregnant…During those times I would soak a pad less than 30 minutes.But everytime Ive gone to the E.R the doctors have told me my baby is fine….
A: My baby was also due March 29th but he/she died at seven or eight weeks. My breasts stopped being sore, my ankles weren’t sore anymore or my feet and legs. I didn’t feel hungry as much. I think I was around nine weeks when these symptoms faded. I never had bleeding, nothing. At least your baby was fine every time.
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