What causes people to have a miscarriage

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A:Most early pregnancy losses are due to genetics & cannot be prevented. 90% who have a miscarriage later have healthy pregnancies. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-causes-people-to-have-a-miscarriage ]
More Answers to “What causes people to have a miscarriage
What causes people to have a miscarriage
Most early pregnancy losses are due to genetics & cannot be prevented. 90% who have a miscarriage later have healthy pregnancies.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does the mother cause a miscarriage?
Q: is it the mothers fault if she has a miscarriage? like, did she do something wrong or didnt do something she should have done? or are they one of those things that just happen to people? what causes a miscarriage?
A: Fault is a very poor choice of word here.Aspects of the physiology of the “mother” cause “spontaneous” abortions. Also, conditions present in the fetus that might result from the genetic incompatibility of the “mother” and “father” may contribute.It could be due to poor diet, age (too old or too young to carry to full term), drug and alcohol use, a fall or otherwise being injured, or many other things.Generally the mother is not to blame.
What causes a miscarriage?
Q: No, I am not asking like some sick person who wants to have a miscarriage, I am just curious of what causes a miscarriage. I know accidentally falling can farm the fetus but why do perfectly-healthy people have miscarriages?
A: Most miscarriages are caused by chromosomal problems in the embryo/fetus. The baby cannot develop normally, the body recognizes it and a miscarriage happens. The vast majority of miscarriages happen this way. Others happen when the mother has an autoimmune disease or other problems. Then of course behavior that is not good prenatal behavior – excessive drinking, drug use, smoking can play a factor.
Q: What are all the causes of miscarriages? What are all the things people need to watch out for to not have a miscarriage?What Causes miscarriages when you are already pregnant?
A: There are alot of reasons, if there was something wrong with the fetus your body will sluff it off. In my case I was punched in the belly and that caused my miscarriage. I was told that most miscarriages happen in the first 3 months of pregnancy. so I would suggest to just be careful watch what you eat and drink dont take any kinds of drugs or medication with out your doctor’s permission and dont do anything that you think might hurt the fetus.
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