What are the to most common heart problems in teenagers

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High blood pressure and high triglycerides are of real concern in teenagers now. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-to-most-common-heart-problems-in-teenagers ]
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What are the to most common heart problems in teenagers
High blood pressure and high triglycerides are of real concern in teenagers now. Thanks for using ChaCha!

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can some one proof read my essay and tell me what can i improve it on please?
Q: From marriage to failure.The heart is deceitful above all things. Young teenagers fall in the falseness of their heart. Many suffer the consequences of their wrong decisions. Getting married is an important decision that can influence us for a life time. Financial instability, lack of communication, and immaturity, are some the most common causes that teenage marriages fail to subsist. Financial instability is a considerable factor that brings failure to teenage marriages. Some young couples get marry only to live the moment, and fail to think about their future. They believe that having a couple of grants in the bank will ensure their financial stability for a life time. As a young person it becomes hard to think that in marriage it is not all about one person any more, but about two. Been financially unstable can cause serious problems between a couple. Knowing that one cannot go out because there is no money to spend becomes stressing. Not having a good job that provides enough for both husband and wife is frustrating. I have closely followed a case in which the couple was young and the husband was in debt and had not enough to provide for his family. He later got a well paying job his wife also began to wok and they mutually manage to get out of their financial instability. As we can see, it is a serious problem that can be fixed with a mutual help. Lack of communication is another motive for which many teenage marriages end in failure. Marriage alone is difficult, imagine teenage marriage. When a couple fails to communicate, misunderstandings and arguments come as result. About a year ago I found myself in a relationship in which the lack of communication was a big issue. Been a bad communicator cost me plenty of arguments. Many of the misunderstanding, and the fact that we did not know how to communicate led us to rupture. I believe that many relationships end up breaking up or divorcing, for rumors that are never clarify due to their lack of communication. In a relationship it is important to be a good communicator. Trusting our partner and talking to them about the issues that are affecting the relationship helps us to develop good communication skills. Furthermore, immaturity in my opinion is the number one cause of failure in teenage marriage. Some young teenagers are not mature enough to take such decisions as to get marry or whom to marry. Throughout the years I have seen many young couples, go through hardship and end up getting hurt because they followed their heart without reasoning. As I said before the heart is deceitful, many time we think that we are in love when in reality we are only living an illusion that sooner or later will go away. Some people say that maturity comes along the years. I definitely do not believe this. The reason I do not believe such statement is because one can be fifty years old and still be immature mean while someone can be fifteen and be very mature. I believe that is not about how long one has lived, but the things one has lived. As an example I can tell you about my mother. She married my dad at the age of eighteen, but before she got married she had gone though sever situations in her life that made her mature at a very young age; therefore I believe she was ready to marry my dad. She had my oldest sister at the age of twenty and she managed to raise five children of her own. Henceforth I believe she is the best mother of all. Aside from that, he point is that she was young yet mature. Many couples fight over the most insignificant things, as to what movie to watch, where to go out, or even how to have fun. That is what I call immaturity, giving things the wrong importance. To conclude, there might be many reasons to why teenage marriages fail to subsist, but in my opinion the most common are financial instability, lack of communication and immaturity. As I said before a teenager can be financially stable, good communicator and mature enough to marry. Remember the heart is the most deceitful thing. You might follow your heart if you follow it along with reasoning.
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Parents out there who don’t like navel piercings? Would this make you change your mind?
Q: Or at least reconsider? I’ve put a lot of time into this and it really(as corny as it sounds) comes from the heart. I’ve never wanted anything else with such a passion before, and I know this might sound weird considering what we’re talking about.I sent this to you dad because I know that even if you don’t agree with what I have to say, you’ll at least be understanding and listen, as has been proven many times before. Please don’t be close minded about this and at least consider it. Please.Should You Let Your Teen Have a Belly Button Piercing? Why Does Your Teen Want a Belly Button Piercing?The first thing that you will need to take into consideration is why your teen wants a belly button piercing. In most cases, it is because some of her friends have recently gotten piercings as well. Although you may not necessarily condone your teenage child being a follower, it is important for you to realize that teens do like to fit in with their friends. Of course, this may not be the reason. Before you agree to letting your teen have a belly button piercing, it is important to find out why she wants to have one in the first place.Will a Belly Button Piercing Determine Her Attire?One of the biggest problems associated with belly button piercings is attire. In order to show off her belly button piercing, your teen is probably going to end up wearing more shirts that end before the belly button(FALSE). If you do allow your teenage daughter to have a belly button piercing, it is important to remind her of school dress code – as well as the dress code that you as a parent may have for her. Just because your teenage daughter has a belly button piercing does not mean that she should be able to dress inappropriately.Are You Willing to Deal With a Belly Button Infection?It is very common for belly button piercings to cause infections. Before you decide to allow your teen to have a belly button piercing, it is a good idea to do a little bit of research about this (DAYS OF RESEARCH DONE, Infections are ALWAYS caused by a mistake made by the piercer, or the person caring for it. If you follow instructions properly and choose a safe piercing facility there is virtually NO chance that you will get an infection). An infection which is constantly reoccurring is probably not in the best interest of your teenager. It is important that your teen understands how to properly care for a belly button piercing before she actually has one done.Will a Belly Button Piercing Affect Your Teen’s Job?If your teenage daughter has a job, it is important to consider whether or not a belly button piercing will have an affect on it. People who work in more professional settings may not be allowed to have piercings. At the same time, belly buttons can easily be concealed. Your teen may be able to easily hide the belly button ring or can consider taking it out after the healing process has taken place. Also keep in mind that a belly button ring may have an affect on your teen’s likelihood of getting a job in the future if it does not remain hidden.Does Your Teen Realize There May Be a Permanent Scar?Many teenagers make the decision to let their piercings heal. If your teenager does not believe that a belly button piercing can cause them to experience a permanent scar, you may want to introduce them to someone who has experienced this common problem. Although there is always going to be the teen who does not believe that this can happen, it is important to at least inform them so that they will know for the future.Would You Rather Your Teen Have a Facial Piercing?Deciding to allow your teen to have a belly button piercing can be a tough decision. One thing that you may want to ask yourself is: would I rather my teen have a facial piercing? Most parents find a belly button ring much more appropriate than an eyebrow or lip piercing. Since it can remain easily hidden underneath a shirt when necessary and will probably not affect your child’s likelihood of getting a job in the future, a belly button piercing just may be the right way to go.Ultimately, as the parent, you are going to need to decide whether or not a piercing is appropriate for your child. However, it is important to remember that teens will be teens. There are far worse things that your teen could be doing than asking your permission to get a belly button piercing. Heck, if your teen really wanted to, she probably could get a belly button piercing without your permission. Although it may not be your ideal thing to do, a belly button piercing is usually very harmless in the long run. What gives navel piercings a bad rep is how people act when they get them, and the kind of clothes that they wear. What people DON’T know is how many well behaved YOUNG girls have them. This is because those girls DON’T show it off, they simply have it to make THEM happy and feel more confident in knowing it’s there themselves, not needing other people to know it’s there.
A: It depends how old you are! 12 or 13…no it would not. 14 +, then it probably would at least make me consider the idea
Why is our society so evil and player-like? Also, how do you handle yourself around those people?
Q: Thank GOD it’s not like that exactly everywhere, I do like my own neighborhood but some places like lets say malls or jobs in the NYC area are BRUTAL. Those people, some of them, are the most FIERCE people, fierce players you can find. They are truly sociopathic, scary, social-climbing,..just evil, i can’t describe them in any other way. Selfish, greedy, egotistic, only out for themselves, they’ll reduce others down, they want the best clothes, best bags, best makeup, best everytihng, put on total acts, cumpolsively lie, put on facades, treat others like dirt, have their own hidden agendas, (and believe me, they have TONS of agendas), have HUUUUGE chips on their shoulders, and this goes from all ages ESPECIALLY kids, who seem to have no souls,..to teenagers who are worse, to twenties, thirties,..forties…MAYBE just maybe the older people start to get a little bit more…caring, OR they just get jaded, angry and depressed because they’re stuck in all the muck too…but this is what I notice alot in America. No one cares, they act like players, they don’t like you, judge you ONLY by your outside appearance, and people (especially women)…attacking malls in droves,..buying the best cars, hummers everywhere, latest models..they have to layer on 50000 articles of clothing,..highly competitive…and if you don’t measure up to them…THEY MAKE FUN OF YOU AND TREAT YOU LIKE GARBAGE.if you ask me,…this is just..how it is but totally evil. lol. it’s like junior high school is here to stay!My question is, how do you not cave in to that, become like them, conform, or end up feeling pressured to get those clothes, look better, I don’t know, that sort of stuff, hold your own ground, and not let them psychologically destroy you , with how fierce they are?it’s literally THAT BAD! (in some places)Major cities in the US especially.it’s like you get all the worst, vultures out there in the world, gather them all up and transport them to new york city, los angeles, atlanta, miami, etc. They don’t give a sh9t about you, they only care about themselves, their houses, bla bla…and ONLY ASSOCIATE with people who are in their league, they’re cliquish…just freaking evil!The other day I even went to a bookstore to read and was just wearing white shorts and a nice short sleeve shirt,..nothing trashy at all just looked normal, and these two blonde glammed up women walked in sat there and were just laughing and making fun of everyone thinking they’re better, and made fun of me saying I look like I just walked out of K mart. Because my shoes weren’t shiny and had gold sparkles on them, and I didn’t look like I just stepped out of a music video.And my outfit was from Club Monaco, not K-mart. lol.Seriously, and then you get the driving style of these people and others. LIKE MANIACS!!!!!!!Road rage, beeping…how do these people do health wise and mental health wise?I’m surprised they don’t all suffer from 500 mental health problems and have heart attacks by the time they’re 30-40.These people to me, are garbage, and our society has become like this, unfortunately.It’s disguisting. It’s like, you have to have the right shoes, the right bag, the right clothes, the right car, the right job, the right hair, the right age,..everything has to be paid attention to…the right connections, a good resume bla bla,,and if anything is off, these player like people sniff it out and either make fun of you, give you dirty looks, dissaprove of you.It’s insane. Also how our society is becoming so plastic. It’s like common to go out and see angelina jolie wannabe clones, meryl streep clones even, yes I see many older women who try to emulate that whole thing, just all sorts of shallowness, that’s becoming mainstream, and they get sucked into their own hype and think they’re the sh9t.Also, I’m a pretty smart guy and I can sense out/discern who’s a good person, who’s a player, etc, and …my god there are so many. The kids I’ll give some credit to because they’re just young, they might not know any better, but for adults to be acting like this is just….purely how they are, and it’s distuisiting.Any thoughts and also how to handle people like that?there’s really NOt much you can do, I mean…the only way to really handle them is to out-play them, or upstage them, out-do them, in some way, like money/status wise. it’s disguisting.
A: Wow. I so get what you’re saying. Unfortunately I don’t have an answer to your question. All I can say is that yes shitty people do exist in this world and that’s all because they have not been given the proper values from their parents, probably because their parents were like that too… filthy rich perhaps, wayy materialistic, and maybe with self-esteem issues which makes them find consolation in the shopping they can do. Money can buy you good stuff but it can’t buy you a good mind or an intellect or character. Pfftt.A toned down version happened to me in London last year. I was wearing these cute white pumps and I was coming out of a restaurant walking with my mum and uncle and suddenly this Black (sorry no bad feelings intended) British (I think) girl shouts for NO REASON AT ALL: ”F***ing sh**, look at the shoes she’s wearing..my cousin had them soo many years ago. haha!” I felt like giving her a piece of my mind but I resisted.. Also I was a tourist and I felt very annoyed.. But I’m okay since I know STUPID people exist. Hehh.
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