Is salt good for low blood pressure

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Salt is good for low blood pressure. Until the blood pressure reaches normal levels through proper dietary and other remedies, it is essential that the patient should take salty foods and half a teaspoon of salt in water daily. You have a great day! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is salt good for low blood pressure
Is salt good for low blood pressure
Salt is good for low blood pressure. Until the blood pressure reaches normal levels through proper dietary and other remedies, it is essential that the patient should take salty foods and half a teaspoon of salt in water daily. You have a g…
Chips are not on my list of acceptable foods and they should not be on yours. It’s not just the salt in the chips. IT’S THE FAT! You must get off that high fat diet. Too much fat clogs up your arteries and increases your blood pressure. Rea…
Can salty foods increase low blood pressure?
Yes they do,temporarily to some extent.Common salt is a hygroscopic substance and retains moisture.That is why you would have seen that during rainy season if salt is kept in an open container,it becomes wet.Similarly if excessive salt is t…

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salt intake, low blood pressure question?
Q: i have very low blood pressure, in fact often times it comes close to being “dangerously” low. i eat a lot of salt though.. is this an instance where it is good for me to upkeep a high salt diet???
A: Low blood pressure(hypotension) may be low blood volume, heavy blood loss, (heavy peroids??) and maybe postural low blood pressure Salt may effect your kidneys by reabsorpting sodium(salt) and peeing out potassium. You may have a low potassium level. May want to have your electrolytes checked,( blood draw) Near normal Bp is 120/80. Controlling hypertensive is by sodium restriction,weight loss,drugs and life style changes
Q: What low salt chips are good to eat if you have high blood pressure?
A: Chips are not on my list of acceptable foods and they should not be on yours.It’s not just the salt in the chips. IT’S THE FAT! You must get off that high fat diet. Too much fat clogs up your arteries and increases your blood pressure. Read Dr. Fuhrman’s book, Eat To Live and get off the SAD [standard american diet]. Then you won’t have high blood pressure.From the book:”I encourage my patients to do what it takes to normalize their blood pressure so they do not require medication. Prescribing medication for high blood pressure has the effect of a permission slip. Medication has a minimal effect in reducing heart attack occurrence in patients with high blood pressure because it does not remove the underlying problem (atherosclerosis), it just treats the symptoms. Patients given medication now falsely believe they are protected., and they continue to follow the same disease-causing lifestyle that caused the problem to begin with, until the inevitable occurs — their first heart attack or stroke. Maybe if high blood pressure medications were never invented, doctors would have been forced to teach healthful living and nutritional disease causation to their patients. It is possible that many more lives could have been saved.” — page 157 of the book
How is salt bad for me (apart from high blood pressure)?
Q: I have very low blood pressure and am wondering what other damage I might be doing to myself by eating salt. The rest of my diet is good.
A: i try to stay away from putting salt in with food.EVERYTHING already is made with salt (except a few things)look at the labels
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