How soon in pregnancy can you have a miscarriage

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A:A miscarriage can occur anytime after between conception & 24 weeks into the pregnancy, even before a woman knows she is pregnant. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How soon in pregnancy can you have a miscarriage
How soon in pregnancy can you have a miscarriage
A miscarriage can occur anytime after between conception & 24 weeks into the pregnancy, even before a woman knows she is pregnant.
How soon after miscarriage do pregnancy tests show negative??
For a pregnancy which ends in miscarriage, a urine-based pregnancy test should show negative after six weeks. If the test does not show negative after six weeks, there are three concerns: retained pregnancy tissue, molar pregnancy, or a new…
What are the chances of pregnancy so soon after miscarriage??
It is possible to become pregnant straight away after a miscarriage, depends on how quickly your body heals, I miscarried in August and it took 2 months before I was pregnant again and Im now nearly 13 weeks pregnant, although Doctors do ad…

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How soon can you test for pregnancy after a miscarriage (accurately!)?
Q: I had a miscarriage on January 30- the baby died two weeks before… I was just wondering how long it is until the pregnancy test should read positive? the last few days i have felt EXACTLY the way i felt when i first got pregnant… like how i felt in the week leading up to my missed period…i do not know if i am about to start my period or what… or if it is just effects from the miscarriage…we have been using condoms for the most part… my doctor told me to wait until i had two periods before trying again… so i really hope i am not because i want this pregnancy to work out…I wanted a baby so badly… but i don’t want to tell my husband and worry him about nothing…so will a hpt still think i am pregnant from last time?I had been feeling “not pregnant” for the last few weeks or so… but like the last 4 or 5 days i felt like i might be… i do not know when my period will be… on the fourteenth, the doc said it could be 2-6 weeks before my first period…he said we could start having sex again, we just needed to use condoms, but then he said it would not be the end of the world if i got pregnant…we bought some and my husband had like a reaction to the lubricant on them… so we did mess around without one on a couple of times but he did not c** or anything…but i hear all these things about women getting pregnant right away and having miscarriages right away again…and I don’t want to go to the doctor b/c i do not want to worry my husband about me being pregnant if i am not… and my doctor is like an hour away so he would know…I just took a pregnancy test (first response, early result) and it is positive, but pretty faint…also, after you are about 10 weeks pregnant don’t your hcg levels come down, so they should have been going down when i miscarried?Also the stuff that says it takes about four weeks after a miscarriage to show a negative pregnancy test, would that be from when I had the d&c (jan 31) or from when the baby died (about 2-3 weeks before that)…
A: I had a miscarriage on the 23rd of last month and felt the same way last week. I took a pregnancy test and it came back positive. I went to the Dr. and asked her if there could be any HCG left in my system to cause the test to give a false result and she said no. She tested me and we found out I am 4 weeks pregnant and due in October. You are most fertile right after a miscarriage so I wouldn’t be surprised if you were! Wait until the day your supposed to start your period and take a test! Good luck, keep us updated!
How soon after a miscarriage did you get pregnant again?
Q: I had a miscarriage on June 23rd at nine weeks. Now I am almost positive I am pregnant again. I have had all the symptoms that I had in my first pregnancy. But I have to wait a couple more days before I can take a HPT. I was just wondering how long it was after a miscarriage that you got pregnant? Is it unsafe or bad for my body or the baby if I am pregnant this soon after a miscarriage? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Have a great day!!
A: I had a miscarriage in December. I am now 8 weeks 5 days prego :)) I waited awhile just to make sure my body was ready 🙂
How soon after miscarriage did you use progesterone (provera) to bring on your period?
Q: I had a chemical pregnancy (early miscarriage) last month. I usually have very long cycles, so it could be several months before AF comes for me (even when I’m not preggo). so the doctor gave me some progesterone to induce AF sooner, and then some clomid to follow so that I can start trying again sooner. She told me to wait 35 days from the miscarriage before taking the 10 day cycle of progesterone. That will probably give me a 47 day cycle. I was wondering if anyone ever was in the same situation as me, and how long did you wait from your miscarriage before you started taking the progesterone?I would really like to start it earlier then 35 days.Please don’t give me your opinion.. I should listen to my doctor… give my body a break… I am sitting out this cycle and not TTC. I really just want someone who has some experience in a similar situation as mine to tell me what worked for them.Thanks!
A: I don’t have experience and this is my opinion…I think you could use it a bit earlier than 35 days… but not much earlier. You should listen to your doctor… or atleast consider what she is saying. Hear her out and don’t rush, make sure you are healthy to have a baby and everything will be fine. Keep on trying too. If you are sitting out this month, great, but keep trying it is well worth it.
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