Does drinking alcohol cause a miscarriage

Health related question in topics Causes .We found some answers as below for this question “Does drinking alcohol cause a miscarriage”,you can compare them.

A:Regular drinking during pregnancy is linked to miscarriages, such as having five or more drinks per week on a regular basis. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does drinking alcohol cause a miscarriage
Does drinking alcohol cause a miscarriage
Regular drinking during pregnancy is linked to miscarriages, such as having five or more drinks per week on a regular basis.
Can drinking alcohol cause a miscarriage?
Institute of Public Health and Department of Epidemiology at the University of Southern Denmark found that even around five drinks a week can increase the risk of miscarriage. Other studies have p…
Can Drinking Alcohol in Early Pregnancy Cause a Miscarriage??
The answer is that it depends. Having a few episodes of binge drinking in pregnancy doesn’t seem to cause early miscarriages, according to research, although it might cause developmental problems. Binge drinking is statistically linked to…

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A: Wine in moderation can lessen your chances of breast cancer. Methylxanthines in caffeine including coffee, tea and some chocolates has been linked to breast cancer but most researchers will say they aren’t positive about the findings.Miscarriages and abortions increase breast cancer risk later in life.
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Q: Does alcohol prevent proper conception or implantation or does it only hurt the baby once it has attached to the uterus (10 days after conception)? I’v heard that there is no physical link between mother and baby until the baby attaches to the uterus which is usually around the time you should start your period. The Motherrisk program in Toronto Canada even told me that alcohol use before that time does not cause problems, but then why am I having so many miscarriages? I don’t even drink that much. I typically have a few glasses of wine on friday night after work. I just want to know your opionions on this.
A: Well yeah the baby wont have any physical connectioms to the mother until implantation but keep in mind…Alcohol stays in YOUR body for 24 hrs. say you miscalculate by a day or two of when you actually concieved, plus it takes anywhere from 6-12 for implantation. Now if you concieved 1-2 days earlier and then had a fast implantation of 6 days, well that can leave a window of about a week of you doing things that may or may not harm you or the baby
What are percautions to take to not have a miscarriage..what things/actions cause miscarriage?
Q: What are percautions to take to not have a miscarriage..what things/actions cause miscarriage?What are percautions to take to not have a miscarriage..what things/actions cause miscarriage? like what should a pregnant woment NOT do? Like I heard that pregant woment shouldnt sit in hot baths for long periods of time….what else should they not do?SO BASICALLY TO GET RID OF THIS KID I NEED TO SMOKE DOPE AND DRINK ALCOHOL AND NOTHING ELSE AND STOP EATING RIGHT? yeS hOW dO i Get rID OF iT?YES I NEED TO GET RID OF THE KID!I CANT KEEP IT AND I DONT WANT TO KEEP IT..AND ITS NOT A BABY YET..RIGHT NOW IT WOULD ONLY A PARASITE
A: If you are talking of self-termination of the pregnancy you need to think of the very real possibility that you will die too. Is it worth dying to avoid having a baby? Adopt it out.
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