Did Anne Boleyn have any miscarriages

Health related question in topics Anne Boleyn .We found some answers as below for this question “Did Anne Boleyn have any miscarriages”,you can compare them.

A:Anne miscarried three times in a row. Her first miscarriage was in July 1534. She also had a miscarriage in June 1535 (at age 33?) [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/did-anne-boleyn-have-any-miscarriages ]
More Answers to “Did Anne Boleyn have any miscarriages
Anne Boleyn had 2 miscarriagies. The second was a still born. She then gave brith to a daughter know as Queen Elizabeth I.
Anne miscarried three times in a row. Her first miscarriage was in July 1534. She also had a miscarriage in June 1535 (at age 33?)
Anne Boleyn gave birth to a healthy daughter, Elizabeth, in 1533, but subsequently had two miscarriages over the next two years, and failed to provide Henry VIII with a male heir. This led to her downfall, and she lost Henry’s love. She was…

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Anne Boleyn Rh factor and miscarriages?
Q: Does anyone know if any tests have been done to see if Anne Boleyn had negative Rh and Henry had positive Rh? If this were the case then her first child (Elizabeth, I) would have been a healthy birth and any subsequent children would have been stillborn or miscarried. She had 1or2 stillborn after Elizabeth and a 4month male miscarriage before her death. Does this sound reasonable?
A: that actually makes very good logical sense, because after her first child she would have been sensitized to the rh factor and produce anti-rh antibodies which would’ve attacked future fetuses.Whether the facts are true or not, I have no idea
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