Could it cause a miscarriage

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A:Miscarriage could occur if there is a severe injury to the abdomen. Consult your doctor before participating in any sport. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Could it cause a miscarriage
How can you determine just how hard the hit was? 1) No women pregnant or not should never be hit anywhere on their body no matter how hard they were hit. 2) To help answer your question yes, miscarriages are 30% (and rising) of the reason …
No it does not cause a miscarriage. The problem with RH negative of the mother happens at birth if the baby or fetus is rh Positive. There is maternal baby mixing of blood causing the mother to produce antibodies against the positive Rh fac…
Miscarriage could occur if there is a severe injury to the abdomen. Consult your doctor before participating in any sport. ChaCha!

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how likely is it that a tilted uterus could cause a miscarriage?
Q: my fiance is 7 weeks pregnant and has a tilted uterus. i am worried about the probability of her having a miscarriage.
A: I found out with an u/s that I had a tilted uterus and ended up miscarrying at 17 weeks.Edit: My doctor said that with tilted uterus’ the chances of having a miscarriage are 50/50. Just make sure that her doctor is aware of it, and make sure she has frequent doctor appts.
Can a miscarriage cause excessive bleeding?
Q: I was wondering if a miscarriage could cause excessive bleeding, such and heavy spotting/light period for approx 5 months straight if not all if it got cleaned out of the uterus???I’ve been to a doctor about this. My ob/gyn put me on hormones, which didn’t seem to fix the problem. And she did say a D&C was my next option. I just don’t see why else I would bleed if it isn’t from hormones. I was on the Depo shot, bt I received that in early November and it should be out of my system for sure by now.
A: yes it can. It sounds as if you have unexpelled remnants of the pregnancy.You need to go and see your Doctor as soon as you can as you need a D & C to clean out the uterus. And prevent further bleeding. You may very well have already, anaemia, and if you don’t there is a very good chance you will develop it. If the bleeding has been severe you may need a transfusion for the anaemia, depending on your iron levels.So go to your Doctor.
Could paternal DNA carrying a mutated genetic code that causes an auto-immune deficiency cause a miscarriage?
Q: My girlfriend has gotten pregnant twice now and she has miscarried about the same time 3-5 weeks. I have an auto-immune disease that lowers all my immune levels if i passed this genetic disease onto our child could it cause a miscarriage or somehow affect the fetus.
A: I’m sorry to hear this. You need to talk to her OBGYN and other trained medical professionals. Never ever ever rely on a public Internet chat room/forum/group for medical advice!
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