Could alcohol cause miscarriages

Health related question in topics Miscarriage .We found some answers as below for this question “Could alcohol cause miscarriages”,you can compare them.

A:Drinking when pregnant can cause miscarriage, and increase the risk of brain damage and slow growth for the unborn baby. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Could alcohol cause miscarriages
Could alcohol cause miscarriages
Drinking when pregnant can cause miscarriage, and increase the risk of brain damage and slow growth for the unborn baby. ChaCha!
Can drinking alcohol cause a miscarriage?
Institute of Public Health and Department of Epidemiology at the University of Southern Denmark found that even around five drinks a week can increase the risk of miscarriage. Other studies have p…
Will the consumption of marijuana and alcohol cause a miscarriage…?
In most cases, the consumption of marijuana and alcohol will not cause a miscarriage. However, alcohol absolutely cause birth defects. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is the leading cause of preventable mental retardation in children and cannot be r…

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A: my gosh i really hope you’re not planning a forced miscarriage. that would be horrible. you need to accept the consequences of your actions. if you don’t want a baby possibly consider adoption?? i wish you luck and hope your period arrives for the sake of a possible child.
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Q: I didn’t know that I was pregnant. (My period is one week late and just got a positive HPT.) I’ve been taking Iburprofen, Aleve, been drinking alcohol about once a week, and just been a normal 20 something. Could these actions cause an early miscarriage?
A: Ibuprofen and Aleve are safe during early pregnancy. (Catagory B until the third trimester.)Alcohol does not reach the baby until the placenta forms, several weeks into the pregnancy, and even then, small amounts, infreuqently are VERY unlikely to cause the slightest harm.You’re fine, and your baby is fine. (You may still have a miscarriage of course — such things are not uncommon, but it wouldn’t be due to taking Ibuprofen or having a beer.)
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