Can you mistake a miscarriage for your period

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A:Yes, many women do mistake a miscarriage for a late period. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
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Can you mistake a miscarriage for your period
Yes, many women do mistake a miscarriage for a late period. ChaCha!
How to Tell If You Are Having A Miscarriage
・ 1 If you have a confirmed pregnancy and you suddenly start having cramps or severe abdominal pain you… ・ 2 Another sure sign of a miscarriage is bright red blood, stringy mucus like discharge, and blood clots… ・ 3 Some warning signs o…
When do you get period after miscarriage?
well i was 9 weeks and had a d&c and my dr said it would take between 6 and 8 weeks. so it might be as soon as normal or as long as 8 weeks. it took me 5 but that was a different situation.

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Am I having a miscarriage? Please help?
Q: This past Monday I found out that I am pregnant. I was two weeks late for my period and went through the whole month of Jan not recieving it. I was experiencing spotting so I decided to go. I went to this pregnancy clinic in NY and I was so happy when I found out the test was positive. Two lines appeared, the doctor told me the first line meant it was positive and the second meant the test was working right. Later that night when I had come home, I started exeriencing some bleeding. About two days before I went to take a test at the clinic, I saw my brown discharge.spotting was kind of a bit bloody but I had learned that this was implantation/vaginal bleeding. But now it’s different. Ever since I Monday night the bleeding has been different. Like it feels like a period that’s on it’s maybe like third day. I’ve heard that a miscarriage, it’s more like a really heavy flow of blood and you feel extreme pain or get a fever. I haven’t gotten a fever or felt extreme pain. I’ve only been feeling nauseated latey, especially yesterday. The blood is still coming out me, sometimes it feels like it’s a flow because when I pee, this big blob of blood comes out quickly when i’m peeing. I’m scared =/ I don’t want to have a miscarriage. This is my first pregnancy ever and my partner and I are happy. I still don’t have any other pregnancy symptoms yet. Just this blood coming out of me and feeling nauseated–but more like in the evening. Btw on Monday, the doctor had told me I was at least a month pregnant.I know bleeding during pregnancy is normal but I don’t know. I’m so scared this blood could mean something is wrong. I know you can not get your period when you are pregnant, many women mistake the blood for it but every time I bleed, it’s not like i’m starting my period, it feels more like i’m on my second or third day and this increase bleeding has started this past Monday when I found out. Am I still pregnant? I’m not feeling any extreme pain. Is this normal? Am I have a miscarriage? Please help and thank you.
A: Hun,You need to get to a doctor as soon as you can. Implantation bleeding is usually just light spotting. Any heavy bleeding or “flow” is a cause for concern and you should go get checked right away!! I suffered a a miscarriage (they are very common), and I didn’t experience a whole lot of pain, but I did experience a lot of bleeding including clots coming out. Please go see a doctor, I am a little concerned by your description, but I don’t mean to scare you and I sure wish you the best! Hopefully its nothing!
Girls will you please do research on periods during pregnancy.?
Q: Please take some time to yourself to do some research on this subject. you CANNOT have a period and be PREGNANT!!!Question: Can you be pregnant and still get your period?Answer: Well, no, you can’t get your period once you’re pregnant — once your body starts producing the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and your pregnancy is established, your menstrual cycle is interrupted and normal periods stop. But you may have bleeding or spotting during pregnancy that can seem like a period.Some pregnant women have what’s called “implantation bleeding” that can happen around the time their period is due, and they may mistake that bleeding for a period. This spotting may be caused by the fertilized egg burrowing into the blood-rich lining of the uterus, a process that starts just 6 days after fertilization, and it’s generally a lot lighter than a typical period — just a day or two of very light spotting.If you’re pregnant and you’re not sure when your last period started, this can make establishing a due date difficult for your healthcare provider. If you have any doubts, your provider can feel how big your uterus is with a pelvic examination and estimate how far along you are. In most cases, your provider will also order an ultrasound before the middle of your pregnancy to measure the size of your developing baby and clarify exactly when the baby is due.Many women who bleed a little bit in early pregnancy deliver without any complications, but bleeding can also be a cause for concern. It may be the first sign of a miscarriage. If so, your symptoms probably will go on to include heavy cramping and bleeding much heavier than a normal period.Abnormal bleeding can also be a sign of ectopic or tubal pregnancy. If you have sharp pains in your lower abdomen, especially if the pain is only on one side, you should see your practitioner right way to find out if you have an ectopic pregnancy. A tubal pregnancy can be life-threatening, and sometimes the only symptom is bleeding around the time your period is expected. Often, the period may be lighter than usual. Sometimes a home pregnancy test will be negative, and the pregnancy can only be detected by checking blood hCG levels.If you bleed at all early in your pregnancy, it’s best to notify your doctor or midwife to get specific instructions. She may suggest getting a blood test to check your hCG levels or order an ultrasound to evaluate your condition more thoroughly. Related BabyCenter Links Question: Can you be pregnant and still get your period?Answer: Well, no, you can’t get your period once you’re pregnant — once your body starts producing the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and your pregnancy is established, your menstrual cycle is interrupted and normal periods stop. But you may have bleeding or spotting during pregnancy that can seem like a period.Some pregnant women have what’s called “implantation bleeding” that can happen around the time their period is due, and they may mistake that bleeding for a period. This spotting may be caused by the fertilized egg burrowing into the blood-rich lining of the uterus, a process that starts just 6 days after fertilization, and it’s generally a lot lighter than a typical period — just a day or two of very light spotting.If you’re pregnant and you’re not sure when your last period started, this can make establishing a due date difficult for your healthcare provider. If you have any doubts, your provider can feel how big your uterus is with a pelvic examination and estimate how far along you are. In most cases, your provider will also order an ultrasound before the middle of your pregnancy to measure the size of your developing baby and clarify exactly when the baby is due.Many women who bleed a little bit in early pregnancy deliver without any complications, but bleeding can also be a cause for concern. It may be the first sign of a miscarriage. If so, your symptoms probably will go on to include heavy cramping and bleeding much heavier than a normal period.Abnormal bleeding can also be a sign of ectopic or tubal pregnancy. If you have sharp pains in your lower abdomen, especially if the pain is only on one side, you should see your practitioner right way to find out if you have an ectopic pregnancy. A tubal pregnancy can be life-threatening, and sometimes the only symptom is bleeding around the time your period is expected. Often, the period may be lighter than usual. Sometimes a home pregnancy test will be negative, and the pregnancy can only be detected by checking blood hCG levels.If you bleed at all early in your pregnancy, it’s best to notify your doctor or midwife to get specific instructions. She may suggest getting a blood test to check your hCG levels or order an ultrasound to evaluate your condition more thoroughly. Related BabyCenter Links
A: This is one of those topics that there is never going to be a total agreement on, like abortion. There will always be the ones who say yes you can and those of us who say no you can’t.There has been massive research conducted on this issue and all research has pointed to the fact that someone cannot have their period and be pregnant. I cannot say either way, but I do listen to the scientifics of the matter and I would be inclined to agree with you. This was even taught in my parenting classes.It is also told that when the fertilized egg reaches the uterus it burrows into the wall of the uterus. If someone was to have a true period and be pregnant, the egg would be flushed out with the uterine lining. That makes sense to me.But I am not scientist, I can say that I never had the confusion with my pregnancy. I had no bleeding at all.
Describe a Miscarriage Bleeding? Could I be mistaken.?
Q: I don’t think I’m having a Miscarriage, I started bleeding this past Sunday May 9th. It’s been very light & brown, Pink, & some red but no clots. My period isn’t due until this Saturday so I’m wondering what this could be, I’ve had sex on my ovulation dates with my Husband April 25th-29th<-Unprotected(ttc) & Yes I’ve been having symptoms, which started 1 day after sexual Intercourse: I eat a lot but only certain foods because my favorites make me want to vomit, I go to sleep at 4pm always, I’m exhausted now, My back hurts, & I am unable to walk around for longer then 40 minutes or my pelvic bones start to hurt really bad including lower stomach. I don’t have the soreness of breast symptom, & I’m athletic toned in my thy’s, Stomach, Butt, arms, & chest, But recently I’ve gained about 5-7 pounds so my stomach feels like it’s bloated, & I can I’ve changed my Jean size because I am unable to button some of them on me =( !Can some one please explain to me what I’m experiencing? Me & my husband want to wait until after my period pass this Saturday to officially go to the doctor.Your advice is appreciated thank you!-Mrs.Linux =)
A: It sounds like you might be pregnant to me, I had all the same symptoms when I found out that I was pregnant. The bleeding that you were describing might be implantation bleeding, it doesnt sound like a mischarriage, my cousin just had one and she sad that it was a bright red and that she bled all the time. I had the same kind of bleeding as you and was told that it was implantation bleeding, it kind of freaked me out but I took a test before my period anyway, well, I actually took 4, lol. And they all came out positive. I went to the dr the next day and they confirmed it. I would say take an at home test now anyway, and see what that says. If it is negative, then wait til Sat to take another. Good Luck to you and I hope its what you want!
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