Can stressing out cause miscarriage

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A:Excessive stress can lead to a miscarriage. Stress raises the cortisol level in the body, increasing the risk of miscarriage. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can stressing out cause miscarriage
The question about stress causing a miscarriage has gone back and forth for a very long time. The truth is, no one can really prove whether it does or does not affect a pregnancy. Stress is never good for anyone, pregnant or not. It can cau…
Stress and Miscarriages ・ Possible, but not likely. A miscarriage is usually caused by either a chromosomal abnormality or a blunt-force … ・ Stress is absolutely not a cause of miscarriage. That could stress a lot of women out unnecessari…
No stress did not cause your miscarriage, Miscarriages this early are caused 99% of the time by severe chromosomal abnormalities in the embryo that probably would have prevented it from living to term. It is only coincidence that you miscar…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can stress cause a miscarriage? And do u have to have surgery to be cleaned out after a miscarriage ?
Q: or is that only certain types of miscarriages??
A: I’ve miscarried twice. They don’t always know what causes a miscarriage..though sometimes they can figure it out. My doctor says they don’t like to say that stress causes miscarriages, but it can be a factor. Sometimes your body will naturally cleanse the miscarriage and ‘spontaneous abortion’ (blah to that title) out, but sometimes a d&c is required. I don’t know that a d&c is actually a surgery…more of just a medical procedure. It really just depends on the woman and how her body reacts to the miscarriage.
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Q: i’ve been balling my eyes out today.. now my stomach aches a little.. don’t know if its just regular pains or not … if it keeps feeling like this i’m going to the er im stressed out over being stressed out …
A: I was worried about this and asked the OB because I have generalized anxiety disorder and am super stressed. They said it WILL NOT cause a miscarriage itself but it could be a contributing factor. I think about 99.99% of women are somewhat stressed during pregnancy. Also, don’t worry if stress will cause a miscarriage because you will stress about stressing. Just try to stay healthy!
Can too much stress cause a miscarriage?
Q: I am 19 weeks pregnant, and in the beginning of my first trimester, I was so stressed that I thought it would be too much for the baby. Eventually it faded away and I wasnt too stressed. Now I am almost halfway through and the baby is perfectly fine. But now all of a sudden it seems like nothing is going right, I feel like I dont have enough time to do anything. I work everyday and deal with morons. It’s also really HOT and I hate being sweaty! Plus we have no AIR CONDITIONING! ughh! Anyways, I talk to the baby telling him I am sorry for stressing out. But can that really hurt the baby if I am really stressed. I’ve heard that people have had miscarriages because of it, or it caused complications. I hope thats not true, because I would be so devasted to lose my baby boy after seeing him in the ultrasound and everything.What I also want to know is, how does it affect the baby? Like can it feel your stress, or what happens to actually make you lose the baby
A: First of all, although there is believed to be a link between stress and miscarriage, a direct link has NOT yet been proven. There is some recent research that may shine some light on this topic, but the information was on first trimester miscarriages of women who suffered chronic miscarriage (more than 3 pregnancy losses in a row). So take a deep breath, at 19 weeks, sounds like your baby is doing well. 🙂 I don’t think you will lose your baby due to stress, but you do need to find ways to help reduce your stress level. A stressful mother may yeild a stressful baby…that’s what my biochem. of the hormones professor told me when I was stressing his class and in my first trimester! 😉 Remember, MOST miscarriages occur in the first trimester, and the majority of those are due to chromosomal abnormalities. You are well into your second trimester….try to enjoy it a little.I am a high-stress person, and my baby made it just fine. He will be 8 months in a few days! I did some meditation techniques to help calm myself. And by all means, try to get an ac unit! It’s too damn hot to be preggo w/o ac!Don’t worry….try to relax (easier said than done, i know), and keep talking to your baby. You will be fine!I wish you all the best.P.S. Dont let the negative posts scare you.Add-on: I just saw your additional question. Being in a stress state releases a few hormones, with adrenaline being the most prominent. This chemical causes your heart to beat faster, thereby increasing your pulse and breathing rate. The increase in adrenaline can affect the fetus, increasing its heartrate. But as the stress level decreases, so does its effect and the body (both mom and baby’s) return to homeostasis, or a state of normalcy. This hormone is quite beneficial in dangerous/scary situations, such as when you have to brake quickly in traffic or when a strange dog comes near you. But you don’t want to stay in an “alarmed” state all the time. Learning to relax is crucial to overall health and well-being. The theory on how stress hormones can trigger labor are still in research and most of this research is finding large amounts of certain stress hormones in women with multiple miscarriages, low birth-weight babies, and pre-mature labor, all categories you don’t seem to be in. Your dr. would inform you if your baby wasn’t growing well, or if you were showing signs of premature labor…I take neither of these have been apparent to your dr. so there REALLY is little for you to be concerned about. As long as your baby is within the normal range for growth and heartrate…you are doing great!Stress is normal, and it can be magnified by pregnancy. Mood swings are VERY common with pregnancy, as can be depression. Think of how many babies there are that are healthy and happy…you would be incorrect to think that they all came from completely stress-free mothers. If you are concerned…then please talk to your doctor, as they are the one best qualified to help with your concerns. This is just information I looked up when I was pregnant and concerned with the same issue. Again, my babe is fantastic! and I’m sure yours will be, too! 🙂
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