Can my blood pressure be to low and cause erectile dysfunction

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It’s possible, though erectile dysfunction is usually associated with high blood pressure, or high blood pressure medication. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can my blood pressure be to low and cause erectile dysfunction
Can my blood pressure be to low and cause erectile dysfunction?
It’s possible, though erectile dysfunction is usually associated with high blood pressure, or high blood pressure medication.

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Are these illnesses or symptoms???
Q: These are NOT Illnesses, but only symptoms that you must learn to ask yourself—“from which of the five causes does it come from???”These are the symptoms that were once known as real illnesses; that YOU can now learn to reverse or prevent, and/or improved by yourself with my self-healing methods.There are two words that will make this possible to do or impossible to do:These two words have a magic all their own –they are magical because they remind me of “Open Sesame” — once you use these words they open a new life for you if you apply them or close the door to it, they are called: Discipline and Dedication. With out these magical words nothing is possible—I will give you the path to a new life, but you must walk it and never get off of it — until the day that your real cause-point is found and eliminated.Which one do you have and from which cause–point did it come from???1. Over-acidity??? 2. The Chemical World??? 3. The Living World??? 4. The Nutritional World??? 5. 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A: overweightswollen anklesdepressionjoint painibsanginachronic fatigue
What about guys with high blood pressure?
Q: My boyfriend is almost 18 and has high blood pressure. Should I be worried? He seems kind of young for that. It feels weird to touch him because since he has high blood pressure he’s always warm and I am usually cold because I have low blood pressure. And I also heard that erectile dysfunction can be cause by high BP. Not that I plan on having sex with him or anything, but should I be concerned? I’m just wondering.
A: You can’t tell by ‘touching’ someone if they have high blood pressure or not. He’s just simply warm to your cold body. It’s not uncommon for guys that age to have hypertension. Hopefully, he’s under a cardiologist’s care. Blood pressure is very easily controlled.And yes, high BP can cause erectile dysfunction. And some of the meds used to treat hypertension can also cause ED.
Does anyone have advice for dealing with a low sex drive/periodic erectile dysfunction?
Q: I have been having problems with my sex drive for a while now. I am prescribed Paxil (10mg), Welbutrin (150mg) and Focalin (15 mg twice a day). I was wondering if anyone had any advice or could help me raise my sex drive back up to where its supposed to be. I am a 22 year old male, and should not be having these kinds of problems this young. It is hurting my relationship with my girlfriend who I love dearly, and would like to solve it. We have had sex before just fine, but sometimes I just can’t manage to get it up all the way, or when I do keep it up (it usually goes away right away). I was thinking maybe the Focalin was causing problems with my blood pressure, making it too low. I am going to ween myself off of Paxil because I feel I have mainly overcome my anxiety issues. I will keep the welbutrin though as it boosts the sex drive. I am also considering quitting the use of focalin, or maybe switching to another ADD medication that doesn’t interfere with the libido. If anyone could help me out or point me in the right direction, I would be VERY GRATEFUL! It is putting a hamper on my relationship which is almost the most important thing to me in my life right now. Thank you for your help!
A: first talk to your doctor…the combination could be creating an imbalance in your system…because of it he/she might prescribe other drugs for you that will counter the reaction you’re having…or they might think you are a candidate for Viagra or Cialis.I suspect the drugs have lowered your testosterone levels and your sex drive accordingly…seek medical help, seriously…Good Luck!
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