Can marijuana and alcohol cause a miscarriage

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A:Yes. The risk of miscarriage almost doubles for women who drink alcohol during pregnancy, especially if they drink heavily. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can marijuana and alcohol cause a miscarriage
Will the consumption of marijuana and alcohol cause a miscarriage…?
In most cases, the consumption of marijuana and alcohol will not cause a miscarriage. However, alcohol absolutely cause birth defects. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is the leading cause of preventable mental retardation in children and cannot be r…
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Q: Choose the best answer for each question.1. Which of the following helps to boost the function of the immune system by encouraging the formation of antibodies for protection? hormones vaccines antibiotics diuretics2. Caffeine is naturally found in which of the following substances? soda pop fruit juices medications coffee3. Caffeine addiction is caused by continuous ingestion of at least which of the following amounts? 20 milligrams per day 100 milligrams per day 200 milligrams per day 1,000 milligrams per day4. What would be a good use of an analgesic? reduce pain replace the body’s needed thyroid chemicals destroy bacterial infections in the throat promote sleep5. Which of the following may be a desirable effect of caffeine? mental arousal reduced stress and anxiety increased fatigue better digestive organ function6. Which of the following should you NOT consult to find out the best and current information on drugs? government websites the local pharmacist who fills your prescriptions the physician who is treating your symptoms and disease processes. the good friend who believes only in alternative medicine.7. Which fairly tasteless and odorless drug causes sleepiness, sedation, and the inability to remember events that occurred when one was under the influence of the drug? methamphetamine LSD rohypnol ether8. Which of the following is not an effect of fetal alcohol syndrome? heart defects low birth weight and length larger head size mental retardation9. Which of the following statements about FAS is not correct? FAS is not preventable. FAS is caused by mothers who drink alcohol while being pregnant. Babies born with FAS often suffer heart defects or delayed growth. Babies born with FAS often suffer from mental retardation and malformed faces.10. Which of the following most commonly used drugs is involved in half of all car crashes? heroin marijuana alcohol cocaine11. How is alcohol classified? a depressant a stimulant an opiate a narcotic12. Which of the following is an example of proper drug or medication use? taking more medication than prescribed taking over-the-counter drugs for a cold taking drugs at the wrong time of day stopping a prescribed medication too soon13. Which childhood disorder is most closely linked to environmental tobacco smoke? emphysema asthma heart attacks lung cancer14. Which of the following is a result of smoking during pregnancy? high infant birth weight enlarged head size decreased risk of infection increased risk of miscarriage15. What is the correct term that describes the use of inhalants as a drug in which the person’s body slows down and causes the person to lose control of their behavior and emotions? injecting snorting huffing licking16. Which of the following terms describes what happens when a drug decreases the effect of another drug? antagonistic reaction synergistic reaction intravenous reaction hallucinogenic reaction17. Which of the following is a common sign of drug abuse? gettting good grades in school developing friendships that encourage healthy behavior good decision-making skills unexplained changes in behavior18. What is the name for stimulants that are made from everyday products and can keep a person awake for long periods of time, resulting in a lack of interest in usual activities, as well as a loss of appetite and a change in personality? methamphetamines cocaine heroin marijuana19. Which of the following is NOT a good strategy for preventing drug use and abuse? Form clear goals of what you would like to accomplish in the future. Take time to study the side effects of drugs on the body. Hang out with friends who are known to use drugs. Learn refusal skills and the ability to say no when feeling pressured.20. You are driving and notice the person ahead of you is weaving and swerving and straddling the lane marker. Such behavior indicates that the driver may be under the influence of which of the following drugs? alcohol analgesics antibiotics antiarrhythmics21. Which of the following describes organic compounds that can help the body to function better to make energy, produce blood ce
A: Homework problems? Look up the answers in your textbook or on line. It is not very good for your education to ask us to do your homework.New Year’s resolution: Do my own homework!
See if you can diagnose me… please help I’m desperate?
Q: Here are the facts… I haven’t go a diagnosis yet and I’m just wondering what you think.1) hives head to toe2) Positive ANA 1:3603) dizzyness4) visual disterbances (mostly depth perception)5) duplicate appearing kidney5) interstitial cysittis 6) Sinus polyps7) water blistters where in sun exposed areas8) right temporal angiomia9) concentration problems (like ADHD)10)negative for anything infectous.11) blood trans fusion 3 years ago12) VERY difficul pregnancy, 1 miscarriage, 1 molar preg.13) Methotrexate for 1 month after molar pregnancy14) Purple waves with eyes closed in dark15) History of LSD, marijuana and alcohol use (in HS)16) sensitive to cold causes sever joint pain.17) diagnosed with fibromyalsia 6 mos ago18) extreme fatigue19) periods of extreme nausea20) nausea revieved for about 1 min. when sneezing21) eye twitchingWith all of these things what do you think?I’ve not been out of the USMy rheumotologost is leaning toward Lupus but wants me to present in HIS office with these problems. He won’t accept the other dr. test or observstions.I’ve not been out of the USMy rheumotologost is leaning toward Lupus but wants me to present in HIS office with these problems. He won’t accept the other dr. test or observstions.I’ve not been out of the USMy rheumotologost is leaning toward Lupus but wants me to present in HIS office with these problems. He won’t accept the other dr. test or observstions.
A: Well, there are a lot of symptoms there, some of them can kinda be grouped up together though. For example, fibromyagia is sometimes accompanied by the intersistial cysittis, joint pain, cold seisitivity, fatigue and twitching. A lot of people with fibromyalgia also have SLE (lupus), which would also account for the positive ANA, the hives, fatigue, joint pain, kidney issues. Some of the other symptoms can possibly be related to your past drug use, depending on how heavy of a user you were and if you did them enough to cause long term damage or if you were just a recreational user. While LSD isn’t generally a dangerous drug, excessive use can account for the visual disturbances, the purple waves, and anything else related to vision. From the sounds of it, I would guess SLE along with your fibro and past drug use could account for almost all of your symptoms.
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