Can high blood pressure and or stress cause ringing in your ears

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With high blood pressure you can sometimes hear a swooshing sound in your ears. It almost sounds like your heart beat. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can high blood pressure and or stress cause ringing in your ears
Can high blood pressure and or stress cause ringing in your ears?
With high blood pressure you can sometimes hear a swooshing sound in your ears. It almost sounds like your heart beat.

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I have tennius my ears ring extreamly loud, I can’t do any paperwork for lack of concentration. Can you help?
Q: I have short term memory loss from post concussion syndrome the tennius was caused from severe blows to both sides of my head and face, I stay stressed and aggitated from the tennius. Alot of people say their ears ring, I know they probley do, if you ask them why, they usually say, they don’t know or its from high blood pressure, But I know they can’t possibly understand just how high the noise or ringing in my head is since mine was caused from head trauma unless someone on Yahoo Questions and Answers has had the same kind as categorized by head and neck trauma, which I have had a lot of also. Please share your thoughts. Right now I am in he process of filling out a social security disability appeal, I can’t get them to address Tennius. Because SSI says if they can’t feel, see, hear or touch then you are bacicly able to do work. There is no way they can here the loud noise in my head, there is no test that can prove it.I have to live with this the rest of my life & Maskers don’t help.
A: I have Tinnitus, also. I have gone to different doctors and Specialists over the past 8 years. It is only in my right ear, though, but it is constant. I also have fluid inside the ear and the doctor wanted to put a tube in my ear (I don’t think so!). I was also told by a ENT doctor that the medications I take for my arthritis can aggrevate or even cause Tinnitus. Some stores have clocks or “white noise” machines that have sounds such as ocean waves, rainstorms, or the wind blowing. I use these when I need to concentrate or sleep. I can usually find a sound that is the same frequency as the ringing in my ear. I also have arthritis in the small bones in my ears. I found some really interesting information on about Arthritis and Tinnitus. I hope I have helped you.
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