Are you in pain if your having a miscarriage

Health related question in topics a Miscarriage .We found some answers as below for this question “Are you in pain if your having a miscarriage”,you can compare them.

A:You can have low back or abdominal pain that is dull, sharp, or cramping if you’re having a miscarriage. Embrace the ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Are you in pain if your having a miscarriage
How severe is the abdominal pain when you are having a miscarriag…?
During a miscarriage you may start bleeding and having pains that are crampy or persistent, mild or sharp, and may feel more like low back pain or pelvic pressure. Please call your doctor if you think you may be having a miscarriage.
Can Having a Miscarriage Give You Severe Back Pain.??
Miscarriage prior to 6 weeks of pregnancy – The signs with a very early miscarriage are often bleeding that looks like a heavy period. Miscarriage between 6-12 weeks of pregnancy – Signs of a miscarriage later in the first trimester include…
Is the pain bad when your having a miscarriage?
Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn’t. It depends on how far along you are. The farther along you are, the more it can hurt. Early in pregnancy, a miscarriage can feel like really bad menstrual cramps, and then a really heavy period. Later on…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How do you know if your having a miscarriage?
Q: How do you know if your having a miscarriage? I remember one time that I took a pregnancy test and I laughed at it because it said that the lines that I was pregnant. I was supposed to go to the doctors’s office to get properly checked but I didn’t because I didn’t have the time to go. Then I had my period or I thought it was, I had a longer and very heavy period with blood clots and lumps. And in the middle of the night I had a very sharp and painful pain on one side of my stomach. It was so painful, I was thinking of going to the hospital in the middle of night. I don’t what it was but I’d like to know was the that one of those bad periods or was it a miscarriage.
A: It sounds like you did have an early miscarriage. Many women have these and most never even know they were pregnant. The early miscarriages are almost always caused by there being something seriously wrong so that a fetus cannot form (like major chunks of DNA missing or a major malformation). Usually they are just those freak things that happen – a bad egg or bad sperm…and it doesn’t mean that it will happen again. I have 3 children and have has 1 miscarriage (blighted ovum where the placenta and sac form but fetus never does…doesn’t make it past very early stages). So it sounds like you did miscarry – but what you lost was an unviable pregnancy…it could never have become a baby. HUGS!
How long after a miscarriage and not having your period should you wait before worrying?
Q: Two months ago I went into the hospital for side pains and found out i had a tubual pregancy. It was sugically removed, but not before i bled out one liter of blood. I’ve had my post-op check up and everything was normal, and i’m defintely not pregnant anymore but I still haven’t had a period yet. I was just wondering if it’s normal to wait this long, or maybe my body’s still in shock from the trama or what?
A: I think you’re right on the money. It was a huge hardship on your body to go through what it did and it may not be strong enough to allow a period just yet. Your body knows what its doing and I wouldn’t worry. : )
if you have a miscarriage does your body still think you are pregnant?
Q: I had a miscarriage in January this year and my due date for the baby would be in 2 weeks time. At the moment I am getting severe back pain and it feels like I am in labour. Could your body still believe that you are pregnant?
A: To my knowledge, no your body won’t still believe it’s pregnant, I also had a miscarriage in January and think that it’s just coincidence that you are having these pains. Once you’ve miscarried, all traces of pregnancy would have gone, so i very much doubt this is why you are experiencing this.
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