Are there any signs to look for when you have a miscarriage

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A:The signs with a very early miscarriage are often bleeding that looks like a heavy period. Thanks for asking ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Are there any signs to look for when you have a miscarriage
Are there any signs to look for when you have a miscarriage?
The signs with a very early miscarriage are often bleeding that looks like a heavy period. Thanks for asking ChaCha!
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Q: I dont know why im so worried about this but i am, im 7 weeks and 5 days pregnant and its really scary seeing everyone asking if they had a miscarriage…..what are the signs, what do you look for? And what happenes when the baby dies inside of you…..will you even know until you go in for your first prenatal? I dont have my first appointment until Dec. 4th…….if there is no heartbeat…..does your body send you any signs???Im so worried over this…Ive had two healthy children but i had alot of problems with them, and now i dont even feel pregnant, im not really tired at all, i have very very little morning sickness, ive only been sick ONE time. Am i just over worried?
A: Relax, every pregnancy is different. If you are having a miscarriage you’ll know it. For most women, you will get very cramping, and have very heavy bleeding, You’re body will not just let a dead baby be inside your belly….it’s automatic thing is to expell it. Depending on how far along you are, you would either pass the fetal tissue with the cramping and bleeding, or if you’re too far along they perform a DNC at the hospital. You’re worrying too much, I’m sure everything is fine!! Relax and enjoy your pregnancy. Also, remember the more babies you have the most used to it your body is…..which explains why you’re having so little symptoms! Good Luck!
do you have any stories that you believe god was watching over you and your baby.?
Q: I recently went to my 11wk scan and the sac was 11wks but the lady said our baby had stopped growing at 8wks and had no heart beat. this was just over 1 month ago. i am still very heart broken from the loss of our baby and had to have a D&C but i believe god had a greater plan for our little one and things do happen for a reason. with my first pregnancy i was 11wks 3 days and went to the bathroom and had real heavy bleeding, clotting, never have a period so bad before i went straight to the hospital where i was kept over night and had to have a scan the next day i was so scared, when i asked what do i do if i need to pee they told me i had to go in the pan incase the fetus falls out. i nearly died when they said that and later that night they came and changed my arm band and said its just for when we take you to theatre tomorrow. so they were pretty much telling me i had lost my baby. well after spending the night praying to god that my baby was ok i had my scan and my baby was perfect, they said it was a near miscarriage all the signs of one but no cramping and a perfect heart beat. that was one sign of god being with me. at 36wks i went in to labor with my son i believe this was a sign from god as my son had the cord around his neck 4 times and they are meant to grow the most in that last month i dont even want to think what would have happened if i went to term, he came out all blue but let out that little cry. with my second pregnancy my daughter came 2wks early and had the cord around her neck 2 time. i look at my kids as little miricales from god and feel so blessed to have them. and know he is watching over our little one we lost. being pregnant as wonderful as it is and i love being pregnant but until you hold your little one and count there fingers and toes and see them its a scary being the mother i think. i am hoping to become pregnant soon and am scared to have to go through the first 3 months again. but do believe that it will happen when the time is right and will just be praying every night until i see our baby with a heart beat. some ppl take being pregnant and being a parent for granted and there is so many beautiful ppl out there wanting that experience so bad i hope all you TTC ladies get your prayers answered soon and all you pregnant ladies get to hold your perfect little babies soon. good luck to everyone baby dust to all. if you have any stories please share yahoo answers has helped me a lot through the good and hard times so thanks to all.sorry there is no paragraphs. =)
A: sorry i didnt read all that u said bc i dont like readin but here’s a story:a man prophisied to a woman that couldnt make children that she was going to have a child. she became pregnant and after 9 months when the baby came out the doctors carried it to the morgue and said it was still-born (i.o.w.- dead). she went back to the pastor and said, ” u told me i would have a child but i gave birth to a dead baby, how is that so?” the pastor replied ” that’s impossible, because God told me you would have a baby”the lady went back to the hospital hysterically and demanded her baby, when the doctor’s fetched the baby they heard crying- the baby was alivethat is not a fable, it really happened.hope that gives you inspirabtion. God is real. nothing is impossible for God. All things are possible- only believe
Pregnant! But, could it be a miscarriage?Help!?
Q: I took a test Aug 20 and it was negative. On the 31st it was positive and on the 1st as well (Yay)! I went to see my doc on the 3rd and she re-confirmed with a dip stick. I have been so excited, but also scared, because it is apparently a 20% chance of misscariage…till you see the heartbeat. Well last night, I had a dark brown liquid (small amount…maybe a teaspoon) when I went pee. This morning there was small remnants of it still dark brown. I immediately called my doc. She did a pelvic, said things looked good…could see the brown stuff, but said it was encouraging that it was so dark. She called the ultrasound office, and I went in hoping to see the peanut….but the doctor, rushed out before saying a word. When i spoke to my doctor, she said that the dating was either off (because the fetus/embryo was too small) or…perhaps early signs of miscarriage. I am scared….I really want this baby. I did some blood work to check my HCG levels…will do another on Monday. I have all weekend to deal with the anxiety and hope that there is no more spotting….or worse bleeding. Please help if this has happened to you…or you have any advice.Sorry for the long post, just really need the support.thanks again.Thanks to all of you who have answered so far! I appreciate the support… I am really looking forward to motherhood, I hope this is just a small bump in the road…and things are ok.Also, the sonographer said he did see a fetus/embyo in my uterus…just a lot smaller than it should be…
A: Just wanted to say that the fact that your cervix is closed and the bleeding is not heavy or bright red, is an encouraging sign. Brown means old blood. My daughter measured behind from the beginning and the same thing happened with my current pregnancy. With both, it appears I just ovulated later in my cycle becaue all was (and has been) well.I have had 2 miscarriages as well. One started with brown spotting but it quiicly became red with clots. Hopefully your spotting will subside over the weekend. Rest as much as possible. Hoping for good news for you on Monday.
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