Are there any foods that lower blood pressure

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Vegetables, foods that are high in fiber and low in salt, and also foods that may be lower in sugar can all help to lower your blood pressure! ChaCha with me again soon! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Are there any foods that lower blood pressure
Are there any foods that lower blood pressure
Vegetables, foods that are high in fiber and low in salt, and also foods that may be lower in sugar can all help to lower your blood pressure! ChaCha with me again soon!
What foods lower blood pressure?
Some foods that help lower blood pressure are; skim milk, spinach, sunflower seeds, beans, baked potato, banana, soybeans and dark chocolate.
What foods lower high blood pressure?
Skim milk is one of the many foods that help lower high blood pressure. Foods that are rich in magnesium help lower high blood pressure as well. These include magnesium-rich foods like spinach and grapefruit.

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A: Diet.
Are there any foods that help lower high blood pressure during pregnancy?
Q: Im really scared 🙁 I’m 30 weeks pregnant and my doctor told me yesterday my blood pressure was alarmingly high and gave me some medication to control it, and told me to rest as much as possible but I was wondering, what else can I do to lower it down?
A: I’m not sure of any that reduce high blood pressyre in pregnancy; but drinking a lot of water and getting a lot of rest help. Also; I would try and cut out as much sodium as possible as it tends to raise blood pressure. Good luck and I hope everything works out for you.
are there any foods we can eat that help lower our blood pressure?
Q: and how long does this take?
A: yes definitely. whole grains like oatmeal…hot oatmeal for breakfast or oatmeal cookies. whole grain bread, whole grain cereal, or pancakes, there’s whole wheat pasta, or grains like rice quinoa. you just need to read up on your foods. example in japanese restaurants, soba is a buckwheat noodle, try that. Or some places have chicken sandwiches on whole wheat bun. Also beans help. add some to your chili, your salads, your soups. there’s lentil soup or black bean mexican restaurants if they have a choice go for black bena instead of refried.Also use olive oil vs other oils.
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