Why do people like blue eyes so much

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Blue is a beautiful eye color. It is believed that the eyes take on the color of the sky making them more attractive and bright. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-people-like-blue-eyes-so-much ]
More Answers to “Why do people like blue eyes so much
Why is it that guys like blue or green eyes so much??
brown is pretty too. not all guys like girls with green eyes or blue eyes… no one has the exact same preference

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why do people love blonde hair and blue eyes so much?
Q: I know there are a lot of exceptions but it just seems to me that as a whole (especially guys…), people prefer to have (or have girls have) blonde hair and blue eyes.Why do you think that?
A: The answerer who said that it’s something to do with psychology is correct – male psychology is programmed to look for a mate that they are able to look after and protect. A lot of children and babies are born with blonde hair and blue eyes (and then they acquire their final colour as they get older), thus this colouring is associated with childhood, innocence, and having something to protect – thus the appeal. Blue eyes are generally seen as being more attractive since when you are looking at someone you are attracted to, your pupils dilate. With blue (and other light coloured) eyes, this is easier to see, and so guys probably find it easier to see if the girl is attracted to them or not.It does however depend very much on the individual guy – my fiance has always preferred girls with dark hair, so very different from the stereotypical ‘blonde hair, blue eyes’. Hope this helps.x
Why do people like blonde hair and blue eyes so much?
Q: At my school there’s this girl, we’ll call her “Katie.”Katie has blonde hair and blue eyes and people make such a big deal about it. She is the most popular girl in school…She’s a cheerleaderAnd her boyfriend is a football player. All the girls used to line up for him, but now they don’t, because he has a girl friend.Sure, she’s pretty.But my friends are like “Of course. She has blonde hair and blue eyes,” it’s like they envy her for it.
A: Because both (natural) blonde hair, and having blue eyes are recessive genes. There are far more people in the world with dark hair and eyes, than with light hair and/or light eyes…it’s less common (not counting the bottle-blondes and people who change their eye color with contacts).
why do most people think blue eyes are so much prettier then brown eyes?
Q: my sister had blue eyes when she was little and everyone would always say how pretty they were and how come most brown eyed girls want blue eyes but i hardly ever hear of a blue eyed girl who wants brown eyes… i mean sometimes i just get mad at the girls who have blue or green eyes and they try to make there blue eyes blue er or green eyes greener they say that there eyes arn’t that pretty or they brag about how pretty there eyes are and how they change color it just makes me so jealous
A: Because people don’t know what true beauty is. I’m actually just joking but it’s probably because brown eyes are the norm. It also depends, I mean some people wouldn’t really look good with blue or green eyes. I’m half Filipino and half Dutch with a medium skin tone and dark hair with brown eyes and personally I don’t think I’d look good with any other colour of eye. If you really really want to change your eye colour then buy colored contact lenses but honestly you’re probably pretty and unique the way you are. I’ve seen a lot of gorgeous brown-eyed women.
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