Why are wedding dresses white

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The white wedding dress of today is deep-seated tradition, and for many is worn to signify virtue as well as uphold tradition. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-are-wedding-dresses-white ]
More Answers to “Why are wedding dresses white
actually, white dresses are a fairly recently developed tradition that has just stuck. until recent history, most people wouldn’t have a wedding dress as such. they would wear either the best dress they owned, or if they could afford it wou…
“it started w/ queen victoria- she wore white to her wedding and then everyone did it. it then became a symbol of purity” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wedding_dress
Almost all brides choose white for their wedding dress. This is the traditional choice since 150 year in the whole Western world. However, wedding dresses hasn’t to be white. Pastel tones are also quite common. Blue and red wedding dresses …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why are maternity wedding dresses white?
Q: I mean it’s pretty clear that a ton of people don’t follow the white wedding dress rule as it is, but I just think it’s even more odd for white maternity dresses.
A: Wedding dresses were never white to represent purity in the first place. The woman to popularize wearing a white dress was Queen Victoria, and she only did to match some lace she already had, and from then on it became the most fashionable and eventually most traditional color for a bride to wear.My guess is that a pregnant woman chooses to wear white for the same reasons as any other bride. Most women don’t choose what color to wear based on antiquated thoughts on what those colors symbolize. Also, many women claim they don’t “feel like a bride” unless they are wearing white. Researching wedding traditions is actually morbidly interesting. For example, try searching the history of the wedding veil. I have included an great article as my last source for further information.
Why is it tradition for wedding dresses to be white?
Q: When and why did the tradition of white wedding dresses begin?
A: Queen Elizabeth or Victoria wore a white gown for purity, and everyone in the western world wanted to be like her, so the whiteness took off. There are plenty of cultures that don’t follow that custom, perfering other colors or just the fanciest dress they could afford.
Why are wedding dresses white?
Q: I am just wondering why white is the standard color for wedding dresses?
A: White dresses go back to 1840 and Queen Victoria she started the trend that has carried on until the present day…
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