Which would hurt more – threading or waxing my eyebrows

Health related question in topics Style Beauty .We found some answers as below for this question “Which would hurt more – threading or waxing my eyebrows”,you can compare them.

Both have some pain, it depends on your pain threshold. Waxing will last longer.More questions? Text 242242 or call 1-800-2ChaCha. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/which-would-hurt-more-%26%2345%3B-threading-or-waxing-my-eyebrows ]
More Answers to “Which would hurt more – threading or waxing my eyebrows
Which is better for eyebrows waxing or threading? Do threading hu…?
When you wax that is quick less painful strip that comes off. When threading it is a constant small pain. It depends on what you would prefer I have had both. I stick with waxing. If you wear make-up and you need to do it before an event ma…
How badly does eyebrow threading hurt and why do people say it’s …?
You can have threading done by a professional at your local beauty salon. The first time, i would say it hurts because you’re not used to the sudden pain. But the process takes a very short while, in fact, you could be done in minutes. I’ve…
Does eyebrow waxing hurt?
It does hurt…but not more then a pinch or taking a band-aid off fast. Plus it makes your eyebrows look great..just make sure to go to reputable waxer and have her hold your skin nice and taught

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Which is better for eyebrows waxing or threading? Do threading hurt?
Q: i always wax but i wonder if threading is better and if its less painful than waxing?
A: I like threading, because it takes out every hair from the root and I find it to last longer. Just try it and see which one is the best for you. It wouldn’t hurt to try it once.
Does eyebrow Threading still hurt even though you already got your eyebrows waxed before ?
Q: I already got my eyebrows waxed before, but im thinking of getting my eyebrows threaded. Will it hurt even though I already got my eyebrows waxed before.
A: i’ve done both threading and waxing beforebut i’m sticking with waxing because i find that threading, for me, hurts a loti also have really sensitive skin, so i don’t know if that makes a differencei know a lot of people that prefer threading, because it hurts less for themit’s different for everyone. but try it, it’s not too painful, and then decide which you like betterhope i was able to help! 🙂
What’s better: Waxing or Threading eyebrows?
Q: Heyy Well when i go to get my eyebrows done, i normally get them threaded but i wanna try waxing. Does it hurt more than threading? Is it better for your eyebrows.I just want to know all your opinons on what i should get.. Thanks x
A: I posted the same question a while ago.Anyways, I went and had both done. They waxed above the eyebrow where I had more hair and threaded around to shape. With waxing I coulndn’t feel anything. It was just like pressing on some fabric and taking it off. No pain or anything at all. With threading you can feel it, but not painful painful. Just enough to sometimes water your eyes. Try the waxing if you haven’t yet, it’s nice.
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