What is a home remedy that works for healthier hair that really works

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You will be amazed at the extra body and volume the egg gives your hair. Just slather some eggs on your hair and wait a couple of minutes before washing it out. ChaCha [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-home-remedy-that-works-for-healthier-hair-that-really-works ]
More Answers to “What is a home remedy that works for healthier hair that really works
Do home remedies really work to maintain healthy hair??
Okay, so a lot of people will tell you that rubbing avacadoes and stange fruits and vegtable and oils in your hair is good for it. NOT. Okay, when you think about it, that’s just gross. Okay, so I used to have the same dilemma as you, but t…

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Do home remedies really work to maintain healthy hair…??
Q: Many a times when i have hair fall… my granny scolds me saying that it happens so all because i dont apply coconut oil….according to her it is natural and so benefits your hair making it longer and stronger….whereas my mom experiements with things like lemon, egg, coconut oil with other ingredients…does it really help ????
A: OK, hair is dead. All the oils and stuff they’re saying to put on are conditioning the hair. If your hair is splitting or breaking off you need conditioner to protect it. It won’t ever get better. Hairs fall out of your head because the follicle is ready to shed them. For some of us that is in 4-6 years. For others its longer. If your hair needs conditioning the things you mentioned are great. If your hair looks fine without that stuff, why bother? It won’t make the follicle hold the hair longer.Lemon is acid and very damaging, but can be used on some hair to lighten it.Everything you read on the internet is NOT correct, so be sure to do plenty of research before putting things on your skin and hair.
How to make one time relaxed hair healthy again using home remedies or not?
Q: About 2 years ago i relaxed my hair once and i hated it, never did it again. I let my hair grow out. it took 2 years. My hair is curly, and i really like it but in some parts its really dry, more at the back. If you know of any home remedies that work.. that would be good.
A: If you sign up for the newsletter at http://www.afro-haircare.com you can get a free ebook on growing healthy afro hair.
silky hair products/home remedies?
Q: hey guys 🙂 i’m looking to make my hair soft and silky ! i’ve tried the mayonnaise in my hair and it didn’t work very well :S I have thick brown hair that is healthy ( apart straightening) and i was wondering if you had any home remedies for silky/ healthy hair? or a really good conditionner/ shampoo? maybe a really good straightener too? thanks a billion <3
A: sunsilk makes hair really silky and soft. i love it!!
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