Is there any way to make facial hair grow faster

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At this time there are no available methods to grow facial hair faster. The “shave it and it will grow” method is a myth as well. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is there any way to make facial hair grow faster
You can use a product called manpen ( which defines the facial hair and makes it more noticeable. Ideal for people who grow a little bit of stubble then shave bu tnot very frequently.
Shaving only makes the hair grow thicker. As you grow older, it’ll grow faster. But there are no guarantees.
Shaving more often stimulates growth, like mowing grass.

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Is there any way that you can make your facial hair grow faster?
Q: I am almost 16 years old. My facial hair has been growing thicker, darker, and faster. I just shaved yesterday morning, but i look better with hair on my face. I want it to grow back really fast cause I don’t like to look like this. Is there any type of medicine or something i can use to make it grow back faster? Please help me. And try not to give any “Just give it time” answersThanks!
A: hahaha the only thing that will do that are growth hormones. and you dont want to mess around with that shit.
Is there any way to make my facial hair grow faster?
Q: Im having a contest with one of my friends to see who can grow the longest beard in a week.
A: My friends are doing this, it’s hilarious. Not that they’ve actually got anywhere.My advice to you is shave what you’ve got a lot, that is meant to aid growth. But other than taking extra hormones which has a heck load of horrible side effects (and I would also consider that as cheating) I don’t think there is any overnight remedies apart from the natural ones:1. A decent amount of sleep every night (hair grows during sleepy time)2. A balanced diet, the right nutrients and everything (I don’t know about this. I only eat pasta and my hair grows at a rate of knots.)3. De-stress yourself.4. Moisturise your face?? (I didn’t think of this one… a random website suggested it because apparently it helps beard hair grow if skin is healthy)Hope I helped anyway, and good luck in this contest.
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Q: Is there any way to make facial hair grow faster and thicker? I heard that Olive Oil helps. Any ideas? I just turned 19, but my beard is all patchy and stuff and I want it to look better.
A: sounds dumb, but shave it all off . people get stubble because their hair has not been softened by water and the air and it’s usually very coarse . hair ”seems” to grow faster when you recently shave [and i speak for all women who shave their legs] if you don’t want to start over, then massage the skin . it’ll better the blood circulation and make hair growth slightly faster . plus, if the hair on your head is fun, there is not much to be done about the thickness of your beard .
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