How much does it cost to get Invisalign

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The national average for Invisalign is about $5,000 (U.S.), but it starts as low as $3,500 (U.S.) for simple cases. There are groups such as CareCredit that will assist with the payments on treatments like Invisalign. ChaCha Again! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How much does it cost to get Invisalign
How much does it cost to get Veneers and Invisalign??
I would guess that Invisalign would cost $5k-6k in MD. If you have insurance, you may get a portion (up to 25% of it covered). Some offices may offer discounts for full payment up front or incentives to choose them. In the case of Invisalig…
Does anyone know about how much it cost to get invisalign braces??
700$+ the annual treatment cost as normal braces.
Where can I get Invisalign in Singapore & how much would it c…?
go to the invisalign web site there’s a link where you can locate the nearest invisalign provider. When you go for the visit, they’ll give you a quote depending on your case, ususally a couple of thousand dollars

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How much does invisalign cost and how well does it work?
Q: My teeth are all straight except one and i have a slight overbite but i dont want to have the ‘metal mouth’ look of braces… so how much does invisalign cost… and does it work?
A: at our office we charge 5000 it depends really on how your teeth look now and what state you live in
How much does invisalign cost if your teeth straight but spaced?
Q: I want to get invisalign. My teeth are straight.. I dont have any crooked teeth or any overbites. They’re just spaced. I don’t have any 2 teeth in my mouth that are together. They all have a little bit of space between them. About how much would that cost.. ??
A: I don’t think invisalign are the best for closing gaps – I’ve seen photos of some cases and and even heard a couple of dentists say that they tend to tilt the teeth rather than evenly move them, which is what you want. One problem I’ve found with invisalign also, is that dentists seem to try and ‘sell’ them to you, even if they’re not the best option. I originally wanted invisalign for my teeth, but eventually I chose the ortho who straight up told me that invisalign wouldn’t be the best thing for me and suggested the cheaper option of braces. I’ve had my braces on a month and have already had amazing results, while my friend who’s had invisalign for a year has hardly seen any movement – hers was originally a simple 6 month case, yet it’s been a year already and she’s still not happy (and rightly so, her teeth have hardly moved) so is having yet another mould taken and set made. If you don’t want braces, it could be possible to close the gaps with just a retainer, I’ve seen this done very effectively.
How much does invisalign cost for the upper teeth only?
Q: I have gaps on my upper teeth from my two front tooth and the teeth beside them and am considering getting invisalign. i was wondering how much would the treatment cost?
A: I had a gap between my two front teeth, and when i had a an estimate done for invisalign it was going to be almost $3000. And that was a discount from my ortho because he knew I really couldnt afford it. I opted to get clear brackets instead, and it was about $1700 with all the work done. Invisilign dosnt really work as well as regular braces anyways.
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