How many hairs are on the average human

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Most of us have between 100,000 and 150,000 hairs on our heads! ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many hairs are on the average human
How many hairs are on an average human head
The average number of hairs on a person’s head is about 100,000. Most people shed between 50 and 100 hairs daily.
What is the average number of hairs on a humans head??
There are no hairs on the human head, if you are bald. If you arent bald then i dont know. PEACE.
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How many hairs are in an average human eyebrow?
Q: It’s for a story I’m writing, and I have no idea how to otherwise find the info. I’m sure it varies, but I’m talking about AVERAGE. Thanks ahead of time!We’re talking about two separate, distinct brows here. Male, average, untrimmed.
A: Yes, some people have only one eyebrow that covers from eye to eye! 200-500 average. If you say 400, no one will take you to task.
How many hairs does the average human being have on their head?
A: 90,000 to 110,000. Blondes have the most, redheads the least.
About how many hairs does an average human have on their heads?
Q: given that they’re not balding or w/ewow really? omg that’s so cool
A: the number of strands of hair on a human head varies with color: BLONDE – 140,000 strands; BROWN – 110,000 strands; BLACK – 108,000 strands; RED – 90,000 strands:]
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