How do you make a home made tattoo

Health related question in topics Style Beauty Recreation .We found some answers as below for this question “How do you make a home made tattoo”,you can compare them.

Get a safety pin. The bigger the gauge of the safety pin or needle you use, the better and darker the tattoo will come out. More? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you make a home made tattoo
How do you make a home made tattoo
Get a safety pin. The bigger the gauge of the safety pin or needle you use, the better and darker the tattoo will come out. More?
Will my home made tattoo get infected?
The worst case scenario is that you end up with any number of blood born pathogens, get a serious infection and need to see a doctor or die. I’m surprised that you have lived this long considering how quick you were to scratch yourself with…
Why doesn’t my home made tattoo gun work?
Your tattoo gun doesn’t work because 1 – it doesn’t pierce deep enough into the skin to where the ink is trapped and stays and 2 – you aren’t using the proper ink 3 – you are an idiot for trying to tattoo yourself at home. Seriously, tattoo…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How do you make a home made tattoo?
Q: I need to know all details of making a home made tattoo including materials, best brand of ink, best method, infection risk, and proper care to let the tattoo heal.
A: The amount of time put into to making the machine, amount of money put into getting the materials, the amount of time, money and pain of fighting off infections is much more costly than taking 50-100 bucks to your local shop and getting one done the right way. That is not to mention the damage you can cause to your skin by trying this. Tattoo artists are trained in this art form for a reason. The same as you would hope your surgeon went to school for training and experience before he works on you too.Best brand of ink – Alla Prima, best method – by a professional, infection risk (at home) – very high, proper care – don’t do it to start with
How do i make a home made temp. tattoo?
Q: i want a temp tattoo but i dont want to have to go buy all diff. types of stuff to make it. is there anything to make a tattoo at home with normal home ingreadients? like stuff you would find at home? i no bout the tanning thing and i dont like to tan so any other suggestions????
A: I’d try this out
how do i make a really good home made tattoo?
Q: ive made one, and it looks good, I’m just looking for tips on from the experienced.
A: “really good” + “homemade tattoo” = oxymoron
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