How do you get rid of static on your hair

Health related question in topics Style Beauty .We found some answers as below for this question “How do you get rid of static on your hair”,you can compare them.

So lets de-electrify your locks. Use a clarifying shampoo once or twice a month. The rest of the time use a moisturizing shampoo. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you get rid of static on your hair
How to Get Rid of Static in the Hair
One way to get rid of static electricity in the hair is to wash it less during the colder months as this causes it to become extremely dry and more prone to static. It also helps to rub some oil-based product into the hair to neutralize the…
What can I do to get rid of the static in my hair??
Static hair can be a big problem during the winter when the cold, dry air dehydrates hair. Here are some ways to calm those electric locks. Instructions * STEP 1: Deep-condition your hair regularly. (See Related eHow “How to Deep-Condi…
How to Get Rid of Hair Static
Summary: Learn how to remove hair static with a hair brush and hairspray in this free beauty video clip with expert beauty advice.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How do you get rid of static in your hair?
Q: all of a sudden, for some reason, my hair has had a lot of static lately and i cant figure out what to do to get rid of it. i have tried washing it over and over again, blowdrying it, using anti-frizz serum…please help Dryer sheets work, but they dont last very long. please suggest something else!
A: Have you tried running a dryer sheet over your hair. It works for me.
How do I get rid of static hair without putting on stuff that makes my hair greasy?
Q: Are there any shampoos or formulas that will get rid of the static yet make my hair look dry?
A: Static really gets to be a problem during the dry winter weather. If you are wearing natural fibers like cotton and wool, the problem is greatly reduced. I stay away from “fleece” which is made from plastic and a sure producer of static electricity.Once solution is to buy some antistatic spray and spray the inside of your pant legs, jacket, etc. It will help. If you are wearing a hat or cap, make sure it is 100% cotton and not polyester.
How can i get rid of static hair?
Q: my hair is staticy(if thats a word.)in the winter. I striaghten it every morning.How can i get rid of ther static?
A: The cause of static in hair is usually a lack of moisture in your hair. Try a new or more moisturizer. I am not just talking about a conditioner. Some conditioners are not a moisturizer. Make sure it says moisturizer. Some of the other suggestions given are true if it isn’t static or if the static is coming from your brushes or your clothes but if it is coming from your hair get more moisture and drink more water!
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