How do I grow my facial hair faster

Health related question in topics Style Beauty .We found some answers as below for this question “How do I grow my facial hair faster”,you can compare them.

Keep your face clean, open pores will allow for better hair growth. Get adequate amounts of sleep, and keep your vitamins up. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do I grow my facial hair faster
How can i grow out my facial hair faster?
Just be thankful you can grow facial hair. My husband is 21 and he has a total baby face.
Is there any way to make facial hair grow faster?
You can use a product called manpen ( which defines the facial hair and makes it more noticeable. Ideal for people who grow a little bit of stubble then shave bu tnot very frequently.
Does your facial hair grow faster if you shave it?
Shaving has no affect on hair growing faster. This is a common myth. Below are the reasons this myth began and persists Hair grows in cycles that change with age・ Hair grows from the corners of the upper lip, and then forms a complete moust…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

how can i make my facial hair grow faster?
Q: im 15 1/2 and i have yet to have some decent facial ‘stubblt’ stuff. its at a point where if i dont do something, it looks retarded. any advice on how to grow it quicker, should i shave it so it grows faster, leave it be? help me out guys!
A: shave it all offthen it will grow back thicker and more even
How can I make facial hair grow faster and thicker?
Q: Is there a way I can grow facial hair faster and thicker? I’m trying to grow a beard, but it’s difficult for me.
A: Hair isn’t alive and it doesn’t grow. Hair is an accumulation of a protein called keratin inside the follicle. As it builds up on the bottom it is pushed out the top, creating “hair growth”. This is a biological process so nothing that you do to your hair, like trimming it or using some “special” shampoo can help. Eat a healthy, protein rich diet and take a regular multivitamin daily. The thickness of hair is determined by genetics: the thickness of the hair shaft and the number of follicles in the skin, you can’t change that.
How do I grow facial hair faster?
Q: I am like 13 years old and I was wondering, is there a way to make my facial hair grow faster?
A: aloe vera…..
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