Can you use spray paint on your skin

Health related question in topics Style Beauty .We found some answers as below for this question “Can you use spray paint on your skin”,you can compare them.

Don’t use regular spray paint to paint skin. Look for face paint or skin paint. Allergic reactions can occur. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you use spray paint on your skin
How to get spray paint off skin….?
use nail polish remover and scrub with something hard, like the rough side of a dish sponge. also dish soap works better than regular soap to strip color, whether it be on your skin or in your hair!
How to Remove Spray Paint From Skin
・ 1 Smear cooking oil or spray cooking spray all over the affected area of skin. The oil or spray will… ・ 2 Hold the skin taut with one hand. With the other hand use a stiff plastic card or scraper to gently… ・ 3 Wet the skin with water…
What is the best way to remove spray paint from your skin??
Use a cotton swab dipped in nail polish remover(acetone) and wipe it off. Rub it gently if required and wash it later with water. I tried this at first, but it didn’t work. So I used paint thinner and it got it right off. Just make sure to …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is spray paint bad for your skin?
Q: is spraying it on ur skin bad for u?i know the fumes are, but how bout paint and contact with ur skin?
A: not on thursdays! dont use yellow though Luther, it looks horrible on you.
How do you get spray paint off your skin?
Q: Scrubbing with soap and water seems to do ok, but I was wondering if there was a more effective way to get it off?lol no overpasses, just a ceramic piece.
A: What have you been doing, painting overpasses? LolNail polish remover works like a charm, and you should have it.
What happens if you get spray paint on your skin?
Q: Can something bad happen to you?
A: It depends on what chemicals are in it. It’s best to keep that stuff off of your skin, but if a little gets on it, just wash it off and don’t worry. What is worse is to breathe that stuff. Wear a mask and have proper ventilation. It’s bad for your brain and your heart and nervous system.
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