With a New School Year Parents Can Prepare Children Against Bullying

Just as parents ensure that their children are equipped with new clothes, shoes and school supplies for the start of the new school year, another measure parents should consider is their child’s emotional preparedness for the new academic year.

One concern for students is bullying, which takes many forms in emotional, physical, relational and it effects students of all ages. With the emergence and prevalence of teens and tweens using social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter, a new set of heightened awareness and precautionary measures should be heeded in addition to the classroom. Some instances of cyber bullying have had devastating effects on students and their families, with some students taking their own lives after being cyber bullied. Cyber bullying is bullying that is done on the Internet and is meant to embarrass and humiliate another student.

Parents can teach their children some safety measures to ensure a smooth year according to child psychologists, school counselors and conflict mediators. The book Kids Working it Out by Tricia S. Jones and Randy Compton suggests the following tips:

If a child is bullied:

Go tell a grown up or teach Look to peers for support Don’t fight or hit back (this can only get your child in trouble) Make a joke, or use humor to curtail a bully Don’t respond, this only encourages the bully Don’t share Internet passwords or give personal information with anyone (this can allow someone to post damaging material or content on one’s social network)

Don’t let your child be an easy victim:
Find a group of friends Don’t be a loner, have your child sit with a group of other children at lunch or in class – even if they are not your child’s friends. Bullies often prey on students who they see as meek and loners Tell your child to speak up for him or herself and be assertive

One misconception is that bullies are all male. Much emotional and relation bullying occurs with females who spread rumors, ignore and isolate their victims passive aggressively. Bullies are proven to have cunning manipulative abilities and above average intelligence.

Here are some misconceptions of a bully:

They are males They are insecure Bullying is a learned behavior Being bullied makes one a bully

Many students of various ages say they feel threatened or have been threatened by bullying in various forms and various ages. When asked most of these students, even teenagers did not want to talk about their experience of being bullying. Schools are doing their part with bullying intervention and educational programs, partnering with parents for support. Parents should check with their child’s local school or school district to see what educational or volunteer opportunities exist.

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