Will Lie Detector Test Unmask a Harassing Herman?

After Herman Cain denied sexual harassment charges leveled by his fourth accuser, Sharon Bialek, one reporter at a Scottsdale press conference asked if he would be willing to take a lie detector test. Cain’s contradictory response was, “Yes. I absolutely would, but I’m not going to do that unless I have a good reason.” Maybe Cain would agree if his accusers were strapped to the polygraph as well.

A fair question to Cain would be, “Other than your wife, have you ever upgraded any woman’s hotel room to a suite?” Bialek made that a point in her claim but for some reason didn’t see a red flag until she was allegedly alone with Cain in his car where he invaded her skirt with one hand and physically pressed for oral sex with the other. Even my 94-year-old grandma would smell something fishy if a potential employer upgraded her hotel room to a “palatial suite” and would suspect the boss was looking for some action on the side.

Bialek (who reportedly looks and flirts like Stiffler’s mom), has denied reports she was hugging on Herman at a recent Tea Party event. In addition, she even denied thinking about selling her story, telling Fox News personality Martha Maccallum, “That’s so far off the radar right now.”

A good question to Bialek would be, “Did you discuss with your attorney, Gloria Allred, the potential profits from selling your tabloid story?” Being that they are not suing Cain, how else could the twice bankrupt Bialek afford to pay the best known celebrity attorney in the nation?

I find it a bit hard to swallow – whether Cain is guilty or not – that it didn’t cross Bialek’s mind that with the right attorney, her alleged misfortune could solve her financial difficulties. After all, Bialek has been on the other end of six separate lawsuits filed in Illinois that have cost her thousands.

In addition, Cain would have to be insane to meet with a woman who his National Restaurant Association (NRA) originally fired for “filing false claims of sexual harassment,” as documented by the Drudge Report.

One possibility is that Cain is guilty of only harassing blonds. Karen Kraushaar (an Obama Administration employee) is the second blonde to have suffered from Cain’s alleged advances – no other hair colors have yet gone public.

What is troubling is that before Kraushaar’s accusation, she admitted to having known about the previous severance arrangement made between the NRA and Cain’s first accuser, whose hair color and name are still hidden from the rest of us. To Kraushaar I would ask, “Did the severance deal received by the first accuser cause you to see dollar signs?” I think that one might cause the polygraph needles to quiver.

Kraushaar raised some eyebrows when it was revealed she asked for more goodies from her next employer, the Immigration and Naturalization Service. Kraushaar complained of a sexualized email comparing men to computers in that to get their attention “you have to turn them on.” The Associated Press reported that Kraushaar demanded a 12,000 to $16,000 raise on top of a cash settlement, wanted to work from home and requested a paid, one-year fellowship to Harvard University for her pain and suffering.

While some may write this off as a case of he said, she said, she said, she said, she said, my take on this is that it is his false accusers that want a piece of Cain and not the other way around.

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