Why Does a Magnetic Message Attract Clients?

We all know that people put a lot of emphasis nowadays on the way we present ourselves. Even in the coaching business, as in any other business, you only get one chance to make a good first impression. For those who work online, that first impression comes through their message, their words, and their way of presenting themselves.

People are too busy nowadays and have too many options to stop and pay attention to a message which is ordinary and doesn’t grab their interest. I’m sure you do the same when you get bombarded with millions of messages online.

What can you do to stand out amongst all the other coaches and get your clients’ attention? It’s simple. Create your own Magnetic Message.

This Magnetic Message should represent who you are. That is why uniqueness is very important. It doesn’t matter if you use skilful words or the cleverest text created for you by advertising gurus, if they do not represent you, who you are and what you have to offer, if they don’t come from your heart, it will all be a waste of time. More importantly, your potential clients will not work with you based purely on that. Why? Because they may think it is too distant, cold, arrogant, not coming from the heart and showing who you truly are. They want you to speak their own language and, most of all, they want to be understood and helped.

So what should you do to create a Magnetic Message which attracts clients? There are many ways to approach this, but the best way is to start by saying who you are and what you have to offer:

1. Be Yourself.

Do not try to be someone else. Let people know who you are as a professional, what your goals, aspirations, skills and talents are. Some people don’t feel like they fit in, but the question is why should they? While others try so desperately to be different, they risk losing themselves and their true identity in the process. Don’t sell yourself short just because you want to be successful. Start by being yourself and everything that goes with that to make you unique and special.

The first thing to do before getting involved in any type of marketing strategy is to identify the fundamentals of what you do, and work on the way in which you will express this.

2. Be confident in yourself, your skills, your expertise.

Your clients will recognise if you lack confidence. It will show in the way you act and present yourself. Always remember that all those years of studying and training count for something. They have helped you shape your career. Plus, you have your unique skills and talents which you can use successfully in every aspect of your coaching business. Even though you may be a beginner, you still have skills and expertise that count in the eyes of your clients.

3. Become an expert in one area.

When they need to solve problems or achieve a goal, people will always look for an expert. If you coach everyone on everything, you will become a generalist which no-one wants. So specialise in one specific area and let everyone know you are the one they should turn to, the one they must hire to solve their problems.

4. Speak from your own experiences or your clients’ experiences.

Your message should always include real facts and real stories. People need examples to motivate them. They need to see that if someone else can do it, so can they. So always use real life stories in your material from your own experiences or from your clients’ experiences. You must know how to convey your unique message to your clients so that they are motivated and inspired to hire you.

So you are a brilliant, confident expert coach who speaks from the heart. All you have to do is make sure that all these qualities are conveyed in a unique Magnetic Message which will definitely get you more clients and, consequently, more revenue.

Do not underestimate the power of the Magnetic Message, because most of the time it is the #1 reason why people are not getting any clients and failing miserably because they believe they are not good at what they do.

For more details on how to create your own Magnetic Message, ask for your free copy of my “Discover Your Magnetic Message” document at http://coachingandsuccess.com.

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