What Are the Risk Factors for Acne

Previously published in Examiner

Montrealers who have serious acne can get an referral from their family doctor for a dermatogolist in their area, or they choose to visit a private clinic and pay for the services rendered.

Acne Risk factors

Acne is not only a problem that Montreal teenagers must deal with. Montreal adults do get acne as well.

Hormonal changes

Acne outbreaks are most commonly triggers by hormones. The people who are most affected by acne outbreaks are:


family history of acne

pregnant women

girls and women who are expecting their period anywhere from two days to a week.

Individuals who take drugs containing lithium, corticosteriods, or androgens

certain cosmetics, and other oily and greasy substances

friction caused by contact with different things such as helmets, cellphones, backpacks, and tight collars

Note that although stress will not trigger the outbreak of acne it certainly can aggravate the existent acne.

When to consult a dermatologist for acne

It is time to consult your family doctor when your acne is not responding to convention medication and treatment. Your doctor will look at your acne and then refer you to a dermatologist which is a skin specialist.

The dermatologist will want to know all medications you are taking for any condition you may have. This will include prescription and nonprescription drugs, the pill, vitamins, supplements. Therefore, it would be prudent to write everything done to take to the doctor.

Since stress is a contributing factor, your doctor will want to know anything that has been stressful in your life, from worrying about how you look, having your peers laugh at you, to money problems and family crises.



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