Top Reasons No One Has Hired You

Have you found yourself submitting resume after resume only to be let done with the lack of responses and interviews? So many Americans are faced with this problem. The first thing you should know is that you are not alone and many people share the same problems and concerns.

The difference is what you make of the situation and what and how you learn from the experience. If you become bitter and depressed this will only hamper your ability to earn and get a job. Your mental strength is key in times of disaray, emotional frustration, and depression. This is not to say that everyone experiences these feelings.

Ask yourself how many times fear has stopped you from succeeding? Do you fear failure? You need to first develop self confidence that is unwaivering. If fear has ever stopped you from asking for a raise, starting a business, asking for a date or simply interacting with people during daily activities, you’re not alone. No one starts off poised and confident in every situation. Fortunately, self-confidence is a learned behavior. And can be taught.

Become more powerful and persuasive with other people Be more popular and likeable Speak up and speak out clearly in your interactions with others Be admired, respected and sought after by everyone who knows you Find that recognition, responsibility and opportunities will flow toward you, almost like magic.

When you are not busy applying for jobs and going on interviews you must be refining your skills, your brand, and your mental attitude. Studies show that your mental preparation is one of the most critical factors during the interview process. Hiring managers and decision makers pick up on your attitude and demeanor almost right away. While you are just getting settled into your interview they have already checked you off the potential candidate list. The next 30 minutes for them is a waste of time and nothing you say or do will change their mind. The impression you left was burnt into their brain like a burnt piece of toast.

Start spending your time on being more productive and stimulating your brain constantly. Make use of the down time you have by doing things you have put off for a long time. Engage in reading books. We aren’t talking about fictional love stories either. Read motivational books, articles, and blogs. Self help is a good topic. Concentrate on improving yourself and feeling good about your self. You have to keep your confidence up during tough times and when you feel the least confident.

Start re training your brain to think differently. Ask yourself honestly, do you believe in yourself?

Imagine yourself approaching every situation with poise and self-assurance. Imagine feeling unshakeable self-confidence as you go after everything and anything you want.

You simply can’t lose when you develop the self-confidence to take action and make decisions when opportunities are presented to you

“The first law of success is concentration – to bend all the energies to one point, and to go directly to that point, looking neither to the right or to the left.” –William Mathews

The more thought you invest in planning and setting priorities before you begin, the more important things you will do and the faster you will get them done once you get started.

The more important and valuable the task is to you, the more you will be motivated to overcome procrastination and launch yourself into the job

If you or somebody you know is going through this type of situation or a similar one, I can help. Contact me directly at 281-935-4139. My services are free. I do not charge to help. I am at a point in my life where I can help others and have been coaching, mentoring, and training for some time now. It is a passion of mine and I love to give back. If you need to get the pep back in your step I am the man who can help.

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