The Signs and Symptoms of Congestive Heart Failure

Heart failure is a scary condition, especially for those who have just been diagnosed and don’t even know what the word means. Congestive heart failure, commonly referred to as CHF, is a condition that occurs when your heart lacks the strength to pump the blood you require throughout the body. Heart failure itself can not be cured, but the symptoms can be controlled and the progression slowed.

You will, of course, need to recognize the signs and symptoms of CHF, so that you can take action and keep your life under control. Here are some to watch out for.


Swelling, also known as edema, is very common amongst those suffering from CHF. Because the heart is not pumping properly, the blood in your lungs starts to form a back up. The fluids in your veins can’t move throughout the body and they begin to seep out of your veins into the rest of your body. Swelling is most commonly found in the feet, legs, and abdomen. Abdominal swelling can impact your digestive organs and liver, causing nausea and decreased appetite as well.

Shortness of Breath

Shortness of breath is a very common sign of congestive heart failure. As the fluids from the swelling begin pooling in your body, they begin to put pressure on the lungs and surrounding area. Dyspnea is one form of shortness of breath and occurs when you exert yourself. Orthopnea is the form of shortness of breath that keeps CHF patients from being able to lie down to sleep because of the blood from the lower body flowing upwards towards the lungs and causing congestion.


Fatigue is another common symptom of congestive heart failure. The fatigue can be mental and physical and occurs because of the lack of oxygenated blood flow to your muscles and brain. You may become confused and suffer from the signs of insomnia as well.

Suddenly Waking Up

Those suffering from CHF tend to wake up at night feeling as though they are being suffocated. This happens when fluids start to build up in the lungs.

Coughing or Wheezing

Coughing and wheezing can also occur due to the fluid build-up in your lungs. This symptom may be in place of or in addition the shortness of breath many feel.

Heart Palpitations

Heart palpitations happen when your heart begins to beat rapidly or irregularly. This type of condition may be a caused by your CHF or may have been a contributing factor in the development of your CHF. Your doctor will have to determine the actual cause.

Other symptoms of congestive heart failure include decreased tolerance for exercise, weight gain, coughing up pink mucous, and increased urination.

Some of the signs of congestive heart failure can mimic other conditions, including the common cold or pneumonia. Make sure you seek out the care of a physician right away if you experience any of these signs or symptoms.


Mayo Clinic: Heart Failure Symptoms

MedicineNet: Congestive Heart Failure

Horovitz, MD, Emmanuel. “Heart Failure: A Patient’s Guide.” San Jose: HeartWise Patient Education, 2008.

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