It is the biological right of every Christian or human to receive miracle from God the father who made heaven and earth with all that is in it. But we human do not understand our father the king of kings, we took him for a joke and believe he never love us and can not heal us nor perform miracle in our life.

God is far beyond our imagination and can do all those healings and miracle we expect from him because we are his children, he knows what we are passing through and he loves us so much.

Miracles and healing are not the ultimate thing we need in life to survive, although, it is essential in our life as a Christian who has no hope but it most not be the reason why we serve God.

As a minister in the lord, healings and miracles most not be seek from God always mostly when there are other way out from the problem rather, it is expected to take place when all hope is lost and miracles and healings take place when there are reasons.

God said that we should ask and we shall receive, it is real and he does all that according to his words but their most be a reason why we should ask because asking without a reason makes the resources of healing and miracles useless and God never create anything to be useless.


It is always good to seek for healing and miracle when all hope is lost not when there are alternatives.

Healings and miracles will never come when it is requested for a selfish purpose and if the healing minister insists, he will have a query to answer before the God the king.

As a child of God or a Christian, do not call that name Jesus or God in vein because it is the name you will call in times of danger and when ever miracles and healings is needed.

My bothers and sisters, If trouble and there is no other hope, just ask God anything you need for good not for evil and ask for it in the name of Jesus, it will surely be done for you. That is the secret and if you didn’t get the answer, just call on me or write to me immediately so that we can pray or I can pray for you and you will surely have a testimony once there is a reason.

Never forget that heavenly race should be the most important thing in your life, miracles and healings are an addition to our earthly life. So try all you can to leave a pleasing good life that God will crown you after you leave the earth.

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