Prepare for when the Child Leaves the Nest

Prepare for when the child will leave the nest.
Teach, share, laugh, love and hold it mightily.
The child will watch you so, please do your best.

In the child’s bright future, you must invest.
You do not know which path will be chosen.
Prepare for when the child will leave the nest.

Letting go of the child is life’s hard test.
Your heart will break, but you must remain strong.
The child will watch you so, please do your best.

The pain is great, and you’ll feel at your worst.
Ponder the accomplishments of the years.
Prepare for when the child will leave the nest.

As you prepare to close your eyes in rest.
Whisper a Prayer for your offspring’s life.
The child will watch you so, please do your best .

Draw a deep cleansing breath into your chest.
Brush the tear from your eye and gently smile.
Prepare for when the child will leave the nest.
The child will watch you so, please do your best.

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