How to Get a Free Baby Birthday Cake

If you have a child that is about to turn one, you should know that it is possible to get a baby birthday cake for free. Many parents are struggling financially because of the fact that the economy is facing many challenges. Those that have an infant in the house are experiencing many more expenses than parents with older children. The cost of baby clothing, formula, baby food, diapers, wipes, and specially designed shampoos are drastically increasing. As a result, many find themselves struggling. This is even more apparent when parents are gearing up for one of the most important birthdays in their child’s life – the one where the child turns one!

One of the most important aspects of the first birthday is the cake. It will be one of the most photographed and memorable aspects of the occasion. Instead of struggling to discover inexpensive 1st birthday cake designs, you should learn how to get a free baby birthday cake. There are several grocery retailers, such as Wal-Mart and Publix that do not advertise the fact that they provide many free beautiful 1st birthday cake designs – complete with a delicious cake – for the child that is turning one. It is important that you call around or visit the grocery specialists in your region to determine if they offer a free baby birthday cake.

You will likely be surprised at just how many offer this service. Simply make the invitations, purchase the toys for the occasion and choose your decorations – and that will be your only expenses! The baby birthday cake will be free! Not only does this save money, but it also saves time as you will not have to search for 1st birthday cake designs that you have to make yourself.

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