Subliminal audios–used them? opinion?

Q:A friend has loaned me a subliminal tape that seems to been a contributing factor to my migraines easing down. I made the mistake of mentioning these tapes and I am getting a lot of you shouldn’t open your mind up to this type of thing and the responses range from demonic possession fears to it’s bunk and there’s nothing really recorded. I am interested in purchasing more, but would like to hear other’s experiences and suggestions re: companies.
More Answers to “Subliminal audios–used them? opinion?
I love my CD’s that have subliminal suggestions of relaxion, confidence, eating healthier, exercising etc.They are very easy on the ears.. one is ocean sounds and one is birds chirping like walking through the garden. i have one at work for weight loss that isn’t even audible to the human ear, but there is a higher frequency that can be heard unconsciously. If you get a CD from someone reputable. jus tread up on their training and background. or check their feedback if you buy one from ebay .. and you’ll be fine.Your mind will not absorb anything that you aren’t fundamentally in agreement with.Give it a try and if you feel that in some way you are affected negatively then you’ll know, but I highly doubt that you would have a bad experience. I listen to mine all the time. you know i think it works at times
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