Are thee any herbal remedies that can help control schizophrenia?

Q:My son has schizophrenia, chemical drugs have horrendous side effects, I’d like to spare him that.
More Answers to “Are thee any herbal remedies that can help control schizophrenia?
Alternative remedies are often used for chronic illnesses. It should be strongly noted that not all are safe and their effectiveness, if any, cannot be guaranteed.Gingko Biloba. In small 2001 studies, the herbal remedy gingko biloba was associated with few side effects and improved symptoms when added to a antipsychotic. Although the risks for gingko appear to be low, there is an increased risk for bleeding and interaction with anti-clotting medications at high doses. Commercial gingko preparations have also been reported to contain colchicine, an agent that can be harmful in pregnant women and people with kidney or liver problems.Vitamin B6. One very small 2001 study suggested that vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) therapy may help to alleviate depression in some schizophrenic patients. A 2002 study reported no effect on psychotic symptoms. Further research is needed. dickweed is supposed to help u mix it with mint
stick with the medication, there a lots of different types side effects usually lessen the more you use them and its worth perservering with a good balanced diet and excersise help lessen effects. schizophrenia has a stigma attached to it, its not a split personality, its just a simple case of a chemical that affects mode is not regulated (dopamine) usually too much which makes the brain over active which can make the person overthink things. this causes the person to doubt himself and others.
If your son has been diagnosed as a schizophrenic, then PLEASE, follow the doctors instruction to a tee. I know that some of it seem extreme but believe me, the alternative is much, much worse. Some must experiment with several different meds until they find what is best for their chemistry, once the meds are in line side effects should not be to awful. Ordinarily side effects are short term anyway. Honestly life is much worse without the meds, this horrible disease reeks havoc on the individual and all that love them, hang in there sometimes it takes a while but most schizophrenics can lead a very normal life after treatment takes effect.God Bless you and your son, you must be patient and dilligent at the same time to fight this.
Not sure but some foods have a good effect I think, try foods like tuna fish and some nuts like peanuts and no doubt other foods like some veg. might have apositive effect.
yes stinging nettles
unfortunately, there aren’t any herbal cures… only herbs that, when used in conjunction with the necessary psychotropic meds, can help control some of the symptoms of schizophrenia. some that have been proved to be effective to some degree:Rhizoma Acori GramineiCalculus BovisGypsum FibrosumRadix ScutellariaeLapis Chloritinaturally, you’d want to research the heck out of these and any other herbs out there. it would also be beneficial to talk with your doctor about efficacy and possible interactions with the various herbs or with any medications your son is would be great if there were some way to replace psychotropics with some gentler and effective means, but thus far, herbs can only be used in conjunction with these drugs not instead of.
Just, give him natural nuts, seeds, bean, lentilsHe does not have schizophrenia – he has disorder know a hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) – it was discovered in 1940’s, that all mental people recovered due lack of protein – but from natural source (this is most bio available for humans & other benefit will be from the oils omega 3, 6, & 9)Good luck – given in 50% nuts (mainly pumpkin seed for male, ) with some porridge – his blood sugar will be balanced for rest of day – also give him small meals every 2/3 hours. He will cured within 1 week. Uses – A, B Herbs
Herbal will not help, i’m sure a new drug came out last year that was effective, the government had sat on it for 10 years (pardon expression) it was supposed to be life changing for sufferers. Do some net reasearch babe. My mates son has the same, i understand.
No, no, no. No herbal anything has any type of effect of any kind. The side-effects are terrible, I know, but they are the only answer.Please don’t waste money chasing cures that do not exist.
No! Give him the prescribed medication. My father decided to go off his meds and ended up serving time for murder. Do you want that for your son?
Homeopathic Remedy :-ANACARDIUM 30C thrice a day half hour before or after meals.No side effects or complications of any kind. Just 100% cures. keep me posted about his progress if you decide to give him the remedy.Take Care and God Bless you
That’s tough. My sympathies. I don’t think anything herbal will help.
No there are no herbal remedies as effective as precscribed medication. However it takes time to settle on a specific drug so be patient. My friend is a vet and had schizophrenia and is well controlled with prescription meds, it can be done. However alcohol is a big no no! All meds have side effects, just read the insert from a pack of panadol. Mental health is still in the dark ages but is improving. There are excellent support groups in every area where you meet people in same situation. Good luck
hey sweetheart im sorry to hear…now im not sure how to answer your question but i was browsing in relation to it and came across this site…i hope it helps. i didnt lok through it myself as i dont really know what im looking for… just click on the link and you should go straight there hope it helps.
There are supplements, which can help a great deal with schizophrenia, but they will do your son absolutely no good, if he does not STAY ON HIS MEDS!I am now 30 years old, and I have suffered with a schizophrenia-related illness, since my early twenties. It’s only been in the past five years that I have been stablized on meds and “living in recovery.” The medication is the cornerstone for everything else in my life. Without it, I am not only deprived of everything around me, I am deprived of my self. I understand being fearful about some of these side effects. They are terrifying. With mine, I can develop tardive dyskenisia, diabetes, cancer, and even female breasts! But, you have to put these things in perspective. The general population has a chance to develop most of that stuff too. They basically recorded any side effect that was a statistical anamoly during the drug’s clinical trials. Also, remember that things like too much water or oxygen have negative side effects, as well. Plus, the newer atypical antipsychotics have fewer side effects than the older drugs. Right now, my doctor and I are “bottoming out” my medication. We are cutting down by 1/2 mg every three months, until I don’t feel like cutting down anymore, or I become symptomatic. If I do become symptomatic, we will dose back up 1/2 mg and keep me at that level for awhile. This way, we can find the absolute lowest dosage that I can function well on.Your best bet is to get your son stabilized on his meds, and use every type of treatment out there that will contribut to his recovery. Use nutritional supplements. Use support groups. Use education programs, housing programs, Social Security, etc. When your son is at his very best is the time to start thinking about reducing or even poossibly eliminating his meds.I am really big into nutritional supplements. I have researched them thoroughly, and I have researched schizophrenia thoroughly. I don’t even know what these other people on here are talking about, so don’t listen to them.I have given you the link for They recommend Glycine. I have tried it. It did little to nothing for me. Omega-3’s are huge. They took away the residual hallucinations I had that my medicine couldn’t fix. Try to find a MaxEPA formula. It’s the type that works best with schizophrenia. Other than that, it’s vitamin E & C and Alpha Lipoic Acid. Be careful with vitamin E, as it’s stored in body fat and ingesting too much can lead to toxicity. Personally, I feel I get enough vitamin E and C in my multivitamin. When you’re looking for a multivitamin, get one that has a full range of B vitamins. They help keep the nervous system healthy, which can most likely help a person with schizophrenia. Be careful about which supplements you buy. Make sure they have the GMP seal on them. This is a good place to buy vitamins: http://www.puritan.comAlso, pay attention to his diet. Make sure he is getting enough fruits and vegetables and eating a low-fat, high fiber diet. A good rule to follow is that if it’s good for the heart, it’s good for the brain. Try to get him out of the house to support groups. Look for Mental Health Consumer-Operated Organizations in your area. After being stable on medication, rebuilding a social support network was the most important factor in my recovery. (That’s pretty much universal, though housing may come in second for some).That pretty much covers the basics. I cannot urge you enough to stick with the medication. Trust me, my life is good and just continues to get better. Good luck with everything, and God bless!Update: It can take from 3-7 months before your son will notice a difference from the Omega-3’s. Omega-3’s are very beneficial for heart health and mental health. On the mental health side, these fats help build up the myelin sheath (a layer of fat) that insulates nerve cells in the brain and elsewhere. This helps the brain make the best use out of the neurotransmitters it does have. (Schizophrenia may be the result of an imbalance in certain neurotransmitters). Hope this helps!
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