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What is it when my stomach has a tight pain

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A:Abdominal pain may be simple stomach flu or gas. However, persisting abdominal pain should be evaluated by a physician. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-it-when-my-stomach-has-a-tight-pain ]
More Answers to “What is it when my stomach has a tight pain
What is it when my stomach has a tight pain
Abdominal pain may be simple stomach flu or gas. However, persisting abdominal pain should be evaluated by a physician.
I’ve got a bad, tight stomach pain – what could it be?
could be anything from appendicitis, gastrinal disorders or period. you need to tell us exactly where it is. If its inbetween you hip bones its period cramps.
Can you have contractions without your stomach getting hard and t…?
The pain in your side could be caused by your ligaments stretching. This is common. Also back pain is very common, try a heating pad, a body pillow may also help.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

I’ve got a bad, tight stomach pain – what could it be?
Q: Okay so I’m a 16 year old girl and let’s start by saying I haven’t ever suffered from period pains. So today, a few hours ago I started to get a tightening in my stomach and a little pain that was tolerable. It was pretty constant then but as I said, it was bareable and though annoying and a bit painful, it didn’t really limit me.However about ten minutes ago it suddenly got much worse and now it’s pretty bad, in fact it’s so bad I can’t move off this chair without crippling pain. I get bloated quite a lot but it’s never painful and I’m quite bloated now, if that helps?The pain is worst just slightly right (left to a person looking at it) of my belly button (I think this is where it originated from), the whole area to the left and under it and when poked (apart from being very painful) it feels fairly hard.The pain is sort of a sharp aching and there’s a tight feeling as well. I’ve never felt anything like it before.It could be a period pain (not sure what one feels like) but I’ve been having periods for nearly three years and haven’t experienced one before?I’d be grateful for any help as to what it could be and even more grateful for any suggestions for relief! Thanks!My periods are not quite regular yet (though I think they may be kind of regulating at the moment) so I’m not sure if one’s due. I’ll have to see then I can be sure that this kind of pain is period pain. I don’t think it’s my appendix (or if it is it isn’t in immediate danger) because apparently the pain spreads a lot lower down and at the moment it’s still located around my naval.If it gets worse tomorrow I’ll go to the doctor.About 10 minutes ago it went back to the tolerable stage but it is slowly getting a little bit worse again now but nothing like it was when I first posted this.I hope it’s not anything too bad. Thanks everyone for your help!
A: could be anything from appendicitis, gastrinal disorders or period.you need to tell us exactly where it is. If its inbetween you hip bones its period cramps.
37 Weeks Pregnant Stomach tight back pain headache nausea, Is this labor?
Q: I am 37 weeks today and shortly after waking up had back pain and stomach pain with tightening so much it was hard to tell when I am actually having a contraction. I have a severe headache and am also having nausea and heartburn. This lasted for about 6 hours. Now my headache is not as bad and the pain in my back is not as intense. I was so hot and sweating which even pregnant is unusual for me. What could this be? I just generally do not feel well. Did I go into labor and then it just suddenly stopped? Last Friday my OB said I was 3.5 cm’s and 80% effaced. Any thoughts would be great!I did lose my mucus plug last Thursday. I told my OB and she was like no big deal. It was eally hard to time the contractions because the pain seemed almost constant and my stomach was just a hard ball almost the entire time. A week ago Monday I was 3cm’s so I only dilated .5cm from Monday to Friday. I am feeling a little better just can’t wait to get home from work and ly down. Thanks for all your information. I hope I meet my baby soon!!
A: hey. im also 37 weeks pregnant and have the same symptoms for the past 3 days. im seeing my doctor tomorrow but my back is killing me now. i think u are in pre labour. this is what happens in the start.. u might also notice an increase in the discharge. if that is the case then you might want to see your doctor for making sure that everything is progressing fine. best of luck.
Stomach Pain when I have to hang out or go out?
Q: So my Stomach hurts most of the time. When I’m at School Mostly or out with friends. If I’m home watching T.V. I’m fine, or if I think about something else. But once I find out I have to see other people or leave the house, my stomach starts to get tight and hurt. It feels like it’s in a vice, I can’t eat, lately it’s been hurting to the point where i have to sit in a room and relax and listening to music or watching a movie. I’m not sure what to do, my friend said it might be IBS liek she has. but I don’t really go to the bathroom that much, once a day like a normal person. I just have stomach pains all the time. It goes away when i am doing something else. but if my friends say there coming over my stomach begins to hurt until they do come over then i calm down, or if i have to go out same thing.Mostly when ever I wait for something it hurts. Does anyone know what this could be? or does anyone else have this?
A: I’m sorry about your stomach pains. They really sound stress related and I think you will have to identify what’s causing the stress to overcome them. Here is some information on Stress related symptoms from Mayo Clinic and an article for dealing with your stress:http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/stress-symptoms/SR00008_Dhttp://www.mayoclinic.com/health/stress-management/SR00031I hope this helps. If you continue having this pain, you might trying having Tums near by (they are OTC and non-addictive), they are also a great source of calcium. You will find they coat your stomach and may offer some relief. Definitely see the Doctor if the pain gets worse or you develop other symptoms.I hope you get relief soon! Happy 2009!
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