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What does it feel like straining the lower right abdomen

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A:The intensity of the pain does not always reflect the seriousness of the condition causing the pain. Severe abdominal pain..(MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-it-feel-like-straining-the-lower-right-abdomen ]
More Answers to “What does it feel like straining the lower right abdomen
What does it feel like straining the lower right abdomen
The intensity of the pain does not always reflect the seriousness of the condition causing the pain. Severe abdominal pain..(MORE?

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

mild, occasional pain in lower right abdomen?
Q: I had my period about 2 weeks ago, and it didn’t hurt like it usually does, which was strange. For about 4 days now I’ve been having very mild pain in the very lower right abdomen, which might come for about 10 minutes and then subside, and then come again at night or next morning. I only feel the pain if I tuck my stomach in or strain. Also, I’ve been having bloating, usually at night, and it usually gets better in the morning, though I have an unpleasant feeling of emptiness in my abdomen. Also, recently, I’ve been going to bed later and getting up later, and subsequently I’ve been having breakfast later and supper later. What do you think this is? I really, really, hope it isnt serious – its the summer, i finally want to enjoy that holiday ive been dreaming about all year! 🙂 Thanks in advance. P.S. I’m also a severe hypochondriac, so maybe all this is to do with nerves of some sort? Cos every time I feel a bit of discomfort, I panic.
A: I have pains down there 2. But I know it’s not my appendix because i don’t have them anymore. It could be your right ovary. I have a cyst on mine and it causes me to hurt weeks after my period. You ovulate 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after your period so that could be your problem also. My ob-gyn told me that. Being a hychondriac can cause you to be in pain even though you may not be in pain. You do need to see a gynechologist and have a pap smear and make sure everything is ok. Especially if you are sexually active you need a pap smear.
what can be causing discomfort in my lower right abdomen?
Q: I’m 17 years old with what my doctor has said is ibs. I do back and forth between constipation and diarea, but lately has been mroe of constipation.I played soccer last night and we had no subs so i ahd to play the entire game. I woke up and my muscles hurt all over my body.but i also have this discomfort in my lower right abdomen, it isn’t extremely painful but it is awkward. it feels tight and almost like there is a bubble. my mom had her appendix out when she was a kid, but she told mke that i would be in severe pain if it was my appendix.vcould this be due to the constipation? or just a muscle strain?any help would be great, thank you 🙂
A: I had that once a few years back. They thought it was appendicitis initially (because of the location) but when they did a CT scan they found that I had an infected colon. It was in the very beginning of the colon, which is right by the appendix. This is something that needs treatment.Other possibilities:AppendicitisOvarian cystGasConstipation
38 weeks pregnant abdomen pains not like cramps?
Q: I am 38 weeks pregnant and lately if I roll over onto my left side it feels like I pull a muscle on the right side of my lower abdomen. It happened all last night and it was especially bad after I stretched this morning. Almost to a point where it felt like I was ripping a muscle. Does anyone know what this could be? Just strain from my giant baby or something else? Thank you!
A: It’s most likely the position of the baby. As the baby grows larger there is less and less volume in your abdomen. all of your organs are being pushed in different directions, baby is probably resting on something that causes you pain. does it hurt while you are in other positions too? If not then i would not worry about it. I would guess that it is not braxton hicks. braxton hicks are pretty identifiable. it feels as if your whole uterus is tightening up, not just one side. just like real labor they can come on slowly and fill your entire uterus, they can be quite uncomfortable but are not painful. i am 38 weeks too with my 3rd, and the past two days she has been sitting on what i think must be my large intestine. it is very painful on my left side in the lower part and middle of my abdomen, especially if you touch it, but with repositioning and moving around, i can get it to go away or diminish greatly.Try drinking some ice cold water or a little bit of coffee or caffeine (one cup or glass is perfectly safe, especially at this stage). this should make the baby move around a little and hopefully reposition to make you more comfortable.
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