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What are the reasons for a stomach ache

Health related question in topics Stomach Ache .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the reasons for a stomach ache”,you can compare them.

A:Causes of Abdominal Pain: Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm, Abdominal Pain, Appendicitis, Colic in Babies, Colon Cancer, Stomach Flu. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-reasons-for-a-stomach-ache ]
More Answers to “What are the reasons for a stomach ache
What are some reasons that I have a stomach ache?
It could be Stomach Flu or Food Poisoning. There might be something at a grocery store for stomach pains. If you do throw up or the pain lasts longer than a week, go to your doctor.
Could the cream cheese be the reason for my stomach ache??
yes.. you might be a little sensative to the dairy.. both me and my husband sometimes eat cream cheese on fresh baked bread (I love it) and sometimes yes we get sour stomachs later.. Im beginning to think the cheese continues to ferment due…
Why does my stomach ache terribly for no reason at midnight??
Your body is stretching and changing and it will be for the next 31 weeks. Comes with the territory.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what is the best for a stomach ache?
Q: ive had a stomach ache for a very long time about a month or 2 and i cant eat certain things. i always get stomach aches for no reason. ive tried almost everything nothing works. i try to eat but then i get a stomach ache so i only eat a little bit at a time. i cant drink soda or juice all i can drink is water. i can barley ever keep my food down. what should i do for this???
A: You should see a doctor. You might have an ulcer, or acid reflex (GERD), or any number of things.
What could be the reason for my stomach pain?
Q: A little embarrassing but I have to ask someone. For a couple of nights I have been awaken by strong stomach ache and diarrhea. My stomach hurts much that I have not been getting any sleep lately because it is such a torture to try falling asleep with that much of pain.I have not changed my diet recently ( usually breakfast, lunch and dinner and plenty of water). anyone else experienced anything similar?
A: it may be a touch of irritable bowel sindrome? if not a few question to ask yourself? do you excersise?do you eat late at night? do you add enough fibre in your diet? do you eat fruit after a meal? (should not mix this !!) are you having spicy foods? how much sodium are you having? (salt) it sounds like you are dehydrating, maybe increase the amount of wate, reduce salt, and eat only before 6.30pm, and excersise more than an hour after eating or an hour before eating,
Why am I stressing out over my constant stomach aches?
Q: I know this is strange but I could really use some help. Almost every single night when I go to bed, I get a stomach ache. The reason is, I get scared about getting stomach aches, which makes me get them! One night about 2 years ago, I threw up for the first time of my life (not including when I was a baby). I guess now I’m just really scared of that happening again. I have emetophobia (fear of vomiting) and I think that one night I threw up is causing all this stress, which is making me scared and causing me stomach aches! What can I do to forget about these stomach aches and get some good sleep? If this helps, my stomach aches have been happening almost everynight for a few months. Also, I’m 12 years old. PLEASE HELP!
A: Try finding a way to soothe yourself before going to bed. Maybe some relaxing music, meditation, yoga, or just some stretching will help calm your nerves.
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