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What are the medical uses for meth

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Methamphetamine is used medically under the brand name Desoxyn for the following conditions: ADHD, extreme obesity, and narcolepsy. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-medical-uses-for-meth ]
More Answers to “What are the medical uses for meth
Are there any medical uses for meth?
Pharmaceutical meth is called Desoxyn. It’s good for three things: very severe ADHD, extreme obesity and narcolepsy. The drug is so addictive, though, they tend to use it as a treatment of last resort–if there’s another drug that will work…
What are the medical complications of methamphetamine use??
Methamphetamine can cause a variety of cardiovascular problems. These include rapid heart rate, irregular heartbeat, increased blood pressure, and irreversible, stroke-producing damage to small blood vessels in the brain. Hyperthermia and c…
Does methamphetamine use have medical complications??
Yes! Most definitely! A variety of cardio problems are related to methamphetamine use. Rapid heart rate, irregular heartbeat, increased blood pressure, and stroke producing damage to small blood vessels in the brain, are all methamphetamine…

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Q: What about the US government’s Mississippi marijuana farm that sends monthly joints to some patients?That should make Marijuana a schedule II drug instead of schedule I.Why is Crystal Meth a schedule II drug?I’d like to see some evidence of Crystal Meth use being medically better for somebody than Marijuana.Can people read or do they skip over the details?
A: The Federal Government can not make money from legalizing marijuana. But they can from the big pharmaceuticals, so they tell you that there is no medical use for it, but what they mean is “we can’t make money on something people grow for free.”
What kind of danger is my friend putting himself in?
Q: I have a friend who is 48, is a diabetic, smokes about a pack of cigerettes every 2 days, has been addicted to crystal meth for the past 20 or so years, and also has high blood pressure. He knows all of these medical problems need attention, but continues to use meth and smoke cigarettes and eat unhealthy.. what can I do as a friend, and what kind of danger is he in?
A: all you can do is tell him that you dont want to lose some1 important to you over stupid shi* like meth. maybe try an intervention to help him realize this and if he blows up and thiks your being ridiculious then you need to tell him that you have more important things going on in your life and not to mention your own life to take care of and not his! and ask him “if iwas in your situation what would u do for me if you knew i would ie very young?” dont yell or overreact just tell him that your dissappointed in him like your parents would to you and in my eyes my parents or some1 i loved being dissappointed in me hurt worse than yelling or spanking. i hope you can help him.
Legalizing hard drugs? How to do it?
Q: On a practical level, how would, for example, cocaine be distributed? I don’t see how decriminalization would stop abuse of a highly addictive substance. Opiates are legal for medical use, yet they are sold on the street and people get addicted to them. Not talking about pot here, but things like heroin, coke and meth. What are the best decriminalization ideas?Category
A: 1) Decriminalize POSSESSION. Only criminalize distribution2) Spend the money saved on enfrocing possession laws on rehab and anti-drug campaigns3) Decriminalize distribution with the exception of distribution to minors.Check out the success Portugal has had with this
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