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What are symptoms or signs of lactose intolerance

Health related question in topics Lactose Intolerance .We found some answers as below for this question “What are symptoms or signs of lactose intolerance”,you can compare them.

A:The common symptoms are abdominal pain, diarrhea , flatulence (passing gas), abdominal bloating, abdominal distention, and nausea. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-symptoms-or-signs-of-lactose-intolerance ]
More Answers to “What are symptoms or signs of lactose intolerance
What are symptoms or signs of lactose intolerance
The common symptoms are abdominal pain, diarrhea , flatulence (passing gas ), abdominal bloating, abdominal distention, and nausea.
What are the signs and symptoms of lactose intolerance??
A child who cannot tolerate lactose will have diarrhoea and fail to thrive. An adult may have bloating, flatus, nausea, diarrhoea and abdominal cramps. When lactose absorption is impaired by deficiency of the enzyme lactase, the resulting d…
Are these signs of a lactose intolerance? How does lactose intole…?
Your symptoms seems consistent with lactose intolerance. The cheese thing is a little puzzling, as cheese generally has low levels of lactose due to microbial fermentation. The same thing is true of yogurt. This fermentation turns the lacto…

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Q: After I drink a glass of milk, within 15 minutes my throat becomes full of phlegm and I have to keep clearing it and/or coughing. Is this a sign of a possible milk allergy? Note that it isn’t lactose intolerance; it doesn’t give me any gastrointestinal upset whatsoever.
A: Milk actually causes the body to produce phlegm.An allergy to milk can result in different symptoms depending on the person. My aunt gets headaches and feels generally unwell, meanwhile my ex-boyfriend almost died shortly after birth because they didn’t know he couldn’t have milk (he would throw up, become nauseous and have an upset stomach).
Does my infant have trouble digesting lactose?
Q: I have a 10 week old son. I don’t know if I would use the term “lactose intolerance” but I suspect he is having issues digesting lactose, not sure if he is completely intolerant. When he was first born he was started on Enfamil Lipil. The night we brought him home from the hospital he screamed and cried in discomfort and his stool looked like little pebbles when it finally came out. We assumed he was getting constipated from the iron in the formula and after speaking to our doctor we were advised to put 1 1/2 teaspoons of karo syrup in each bottle. We also switched formula to Enfamil Gentlease which is supposed to help with gas and fussiness. Ten weeks later we feel we have tried everything (gas drops, different positioning, etc) and are still using the same formula with karo and my son is still having digestive/stomach problems. His symptoms are stomach cramping, bloating, foul smelling gas and he still has a hard time having a bowel movement. He has strained so hard trying to have a bowel movement that he now has an umbilical hernia, the strange part is when he finally does have a bowel movement it isn’t hard, it’s soft to sometimes a bit runny but he just can’t get it out. Up until two weeks ago his symptoms never occured during his feedings, only after. They are now occuring after he drinks only 2 ounces, he cries in pain and acts as though he is having terrible cramping and/or pain. His doctor recently told me she thinks he has reflux instead of a gas problem. I was surprised at this because he doesn’t vomit, he has the occasional small amount of spit up but nothing serious. She has put him on zantac twice a day. I have given this to him for almost a week and have seen no signs of improvement. In fact, it seems his symptoms are just getting worse and interfering with his feedings even more. So with all this said, does it sound like a soy formula might benefit this uncomfortable little guy? I will of course run it by my doctor before I make any changes to his formula but I just wanted to throw it out there to see if any other parents have experienced what I am discribing and if so what did you do?
A: Hi, I would advise you to change your formula to either a soy based formula (like Isomil or Prosobee) or a hypoallergenic formula like Alimentum or Nutramagen. For now, stay on the Karo syrup, but really Karo is trail and error, but you don’t want to make too many changes too quickly.Try the formula changes for a week to 10 days before you switch to the next one.Good luck, I hope this helps and your baby is feeling better soon!
terrified of sudden anaphalaxis!?
Q: I am 14 years old.Over the past 6-7 months, I have been worrying about my health severely.These anxieties have included- brain aneurysms, heart attacks, and anaphalaxis/food allergies.I have just finished worrying about aneurysms, and now its gone to anaphalactic shock.After I ate some yogurt today, I had a mild itchy mouth, face, legs and arms, and I sneezed twice. No rash or anything, but it immediately got me worried.I have never been allergic to anything, but I have had lactose and wheat intolerance’s, but they have gone away. The only allergy I have is hay fever.I have asked mum to ask the doctor for an allergy test, but the doctor said she can’t unless I have proper symptoms.But I can’t help thinking, that she’s only saying this because she doesn’t believe me anymore. I looked food allergies up on the internet, and it said mild itching and sneezing could be a sign of a food allergy. This immediately got me worried about Anaphalaxis, so I looked that up. It said that you can get Anaphlaxis, even if you’ve only had a mild or no reaction before. This sent me into panic.The doctor said they wont give me an epi-pen, because I ‘haven’t’ got an allergy, but how do they know if they wont do testing?What worried me more is that it said, the main cause of anaphalactic type fatality is late use of epi-pen. If i haven’t even got one in the first place, there is a much higher risk I’ll die!I’m soo scared! No one will listen!PLEASE HELP! 🙁 🙁 :(also I got a bit of itchy eyes!
A: This is probably just a phase you are going through. However if it is consuming a large portion of your day then you need to see a psychologist. If you really feel that you may have a serious allergy. you should carry or have access to Benedryl which will buy you time for most allergies.
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