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Is it natural for a girl to skip her period

Health related question in topics Skipped Period .We found some answers as below for this question “Is it natural for a girl to skip her period”,you can compare them.

A:Missing a menstrual period is a lot more common than most people realize. This is often called amenorrhea, which is the MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/is-it-natural-for-a-girl-to-skip-her-period ]
More Answers to “Is it natural for a girl to skip her period
Is it natural for a girl to skip her period
Missing a menstrual period is a lot more common than most people realize. This is often called amenorrhea, which is the MORE?
Is it natural for a girl not to have your periods after the age o…?
Do you mean you had a period and it stopped or you have never had one at all? If you are 15 and haven’t had one yet, don’t panic. Some girls are just late bloomers. Your period is triggered by hormones, and your body may just not be ready …
Is it natural for a girl to get her period once a year?
No. Girls typically get periods every 28 days. But birth control can change the time between periods, so can stress and illness.

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My biology teacher is an atheist?
Q: I believe in God. Period. Though i do not think everything in the bible is true. But she is seriously pissing me off. I mean i know she has to go over evolution, natural selection, and Charles Darwin, but she seems to be trying to shove it down our throats. Like she was talking about how we KNOW FOR A FACT that the Earth is millions of years old NOT THOUSANDS (like the bible says) and i believe that, but i’m sure others believe that like the Bible says, it’s 6000 years old. Then she told us that we KNOW that some things in the bible are metaphorical.And check this out!!!!!This was a warm up question for us-http://www.uploadhouse.com/viewfile.php?id=4659713&PHPSESSID=ea219b7509fb8828b4f447d6b04f539fThat really pissed me off. And also she was talking to us and she said that we adapt to our enviroment, and evolution is real, and survival of the fittest….and she said “This is for all of my non-believers out there”And preceded to show us how moths changed colors because it help better camoflauge them. Sure, it’s just that statement bugged me. Then she seemed to mock the bible, saying stuff like “I don’t know it was formed in 7 days and sunday or something, i haven’t read the bible so i don’t know.” One girl corrected her saying it was 7 days and 6 nights. And she said that wasn’t true. So what am i supposed to do about this? All of my table-mates agree with me. Plus whenever we say the pledge, she skips the “Under God” part.
A: >”Like she was talking about how we KNOW FOR A FACT that the Earth is millions of years old NOT THOUSANDS (like the bible says) and i believe that, but i’m sure others believe that like the Bible says, it’s 6000 years old.”The Bible DOESN’T say that! Only a small minority of Christians believe that the Bible says that if you count up all the “begats” in the Bible and take it absolutely literally. But most Christians do NOT believe that you read the Bible that way.But either way, what some people believe the Bible says is utterly *irrelevant* in a science classroom!If the *SCIENCE* says that 6,000 years is absurdly wrong … your teacher is under no obligation to *ALTER* science to avoid offending someone’s religious beliefs. Look, consider these three statements:* “the earth is 92 million miles away from the sun”* “the earth is 8 million miles in diameter.”* “the earth is 4.5 billion years old” All three of those statements are considered FACTS in science.Those three statements are established using the same rules of evidence, the same types of observations, the same laws of logic and inference. Those three statements are held with exactly the same amount of surety and confidence by scientists.Your science teacher is under no obligation to *amend* statements like these just because some kids in your class have been taught the absurd claim that the earth is 6,000 years old because someone incorrectly told them that’s what the Bible says! Your teacher is not there to defend the Bible. Your teacher is there to teach *science*.To believe that the earth is 6,000 years old is numerically equivalent to believing that the earth is 6 miles away from the sun, or only 6 feet in diameter!That your science teacher insists on teaching science *FACTS* is not “shoving it down your throats.” Your science teacher has no choice in the matter. This is not a matter of personal opinion … it is what the *CONSENSUS OF THE SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY* currently concludes based on the current evidence.>”And preceded to show us how moths changed colors because it help better camoflauge them. Sure, it’s just that statement bugged me.”Whether it “bugs” you is irrelevant. That is what the science says! She’s a science teacher. So that’s what she’s *required* to say!HOWEVER, all that said … your teacher has no right to even mention the Bible, or to take cheap shots as “all my non-believers out there.” Science is not about *belief*, it is about *understanding*. Your teacher’s only obligation is to teach science. Taking unprovoked pot-shots at the Bible is uncalled for.>”Plus whenever we say the pledge, she skips the “Under God” part.That’s her right!She has every right not to say words she does not believe.This is PRECISELY why “under God” should NOT have been added to the pledge! I am NOT an atheist … but the addition of “under God” into the pledge of allegiance in the 1950’s turned it from a statement of loyalty to your country, into a statement of belief in God! It basically says “if you don’t believe in God, you are not a true American” … which is contrary to the most fundamental notions of freedom that we Americans hold sacred.So while I don’t agree with your teacher if she is taking unprovoked pot-shots at religion … she is CORRECT in her science … and has every RIGHT not to be required to say “Under God” in the pledge if she doesn’t believe those words.
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