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Does soda slow you down

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Soda, diet or otherwise does not slow the metabolism down, however there are studies which state that it is directly related to weight gain! Diet soda is calorie free but the sodium in it causes water retention and increase in appetite. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/does-soda-slow-you-down ]
More Answers to “Does soda slow you down
Does soda slow you down
Soda, diet or otherwise does not slow the metabolism down, however there are studies which state that it is directly related to weight gain! Diet soda is calorie free but the sodium in it causes water retention and increase in appetite. Cha…
Would a Sales Tax on Soda Slow Down Your Spending on Soft Drinks??
New York Gov. David Patterson (D) thinks so. By 5%, in fact! Just last week, the Financial Times reported that the governor proposed a 18% sales tax on sales of all nondiet sodas and fruit drinks with less than 70% juice, including sports…
How can i make a soda can shot out of a potato cannon slow down??
Can you substitute a round piece of foam, like people us as toys for swimming (noodles)? Shooting anything of metal or mass will probably be discouraged as your slowing device, even if made, could fail.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does drinking soda slow down your metabolism?
Q: I have a question. If you just drink soda all day without eating much does drinking the soda still speed up your metabolism like food. The type of shifts I work don’t allow but one 10 minute break in a 12 hour shift so I just drink soda to cover up the hunger. I am getting a flabby gut and love handles and don’t understand why if I am barely eating. I am a 21 year old male.
A: There is nothing in sodas that your body needs and everything in sodas is NOT good for you. Both the sugared sodas and the sugarless sodas have the same effect you your metabolism. Your hypothalamus gland is your master gland and it controls the “feed back loops” of the endocrine system. The endocrine is a system of complex relationships and you can think of it as a spider web where if you touch one part of the web, the whole web shakes. When you affect any organ in the endocrine system, it affects them all. Your thyroid is part of the endocrine system and this gland is responsible for producing hormones (T3 and T4) that speed up your metabolism. When you eat anything sweet or anything that is PERCEIVED as sweet like artificial sweeteners, the hypotalamus gland sends hormones to cause the pancreas to secrete more insulin. Then, because refined sugar basically overwhelms the blood stream, a hormone is sent to the pancreas to produce glucagon. Glucagon is a hormone that tells the liver (that is part of the endocrine system) to store glucose (the form sugar takes in your blood stream). These insulin/glucagon spikes cause the body to believe it is in a state of stress and needs to respond, so the adrenal glands fire and flood the body with cortisol, the stress hormone. Cortisol is what gives muscles quick energy to respond to stress. The liver reprioritizes it’s functions when this happens and women stop reconjugating estrogen and stop making steroid hormones (sex hormones) and the adrenal glands become exhausted and you feel tired. Toxins are stored in fat tissue to protect your organs. As we age and eat cooked and processed foods, we produce less and less stomach acid and this causes our ability to digest food to diminish. This is why by the late 20’s we start putting on weight as “stored fat.” The fat tissue itself, called adipose tissue, acts like an endocrine organ because it makes a hormone called, Leptin. This hormone is responsible for the “utilization” of insulin and glucagon in the body and is produced based on what “type” of foods you are getting your calories from. If you eat primarily carbs, your fat tissue believes you are starving and it causes your METABOLISM TO SLOW DOWN. Sugar is a low density carb that does this in a big way. This is why people “plateau” when dieting. Fat, on the other hand is where the body gets “sustained” energy, unlike carbs that give quick, fleeting energy. Fat will NOT cause the metabolism to slow down like carbs do for this reason. This is why these lunatics promoting these LOW FAT diets are causing many problems and sickness and unhealthiness is the result. So, if you were to eat some good fats, like raw nuts and seeds and possibly Kombucha tea for your break, you would see a dramatic difference in your sustained energy and your weight would be much easier to manage. It is going to be important for you to become educated because the only advise you will get from doctors, drug companies, the media and the so called “food experts” that is called, “INDOCTRINATION.” If you follow those people, who really have no business talking about nutrition because they are simply indoctrinated themselves with no formal education in nutrition and it is definitely a case of the “blind leading the blind” or better yet, the “sick leading the sick.”I would make an appointment with a Certified Nutritional Therapist and have them test you to determine what exact nutrient(s) you are lacking and then have them recommend a good diet and possibly supplements to put you on the road to health.good luck to you
diet pop or soda slow down metabolism?
Q: so my sis says she saw on the news that diet pop/soda causes your metabolism to slow down, what do you think?
A: Diet pop doesn’t slow metabolism. It is just people drink diet and end up eating more food and crap because they think they saved calories from the pop.
Does coffee slow down your weight loss?
Q: I don’t drink sodas or don’t even drink much coffee but was wondering if any of you stopped altoghter or just slowed down.. I love my coffee in the a.m
A: just stuns your growthnot weight?lol where r u getting ur info
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