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Can swimming affect your period

Health related question in topics Affect Your Period .We found some answers as below for this question “Can swimming affect your period”,you can compare them.

A:That depends on how much you’re swimming. Excessive exercise can cause amenorrhea (cessation of menstrual periods), and it happens sometimes to girls who participate in sports. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/can-swimming-affect-your-period ]
More Answers to “Can swimming affect your period
Can swimming affect your period
That depends on how much you’re swimming. Excessive exercise can cause amenorrhea (cessation of menstrual periods), and it happens sometimes to girls who participate in sports. Thanks for using ChaCha!
Will swimming with your period affect health?
The only effect it will have on your health is that you’ll have a great metabolism from all that exercise! If you’re having your period, an egg is being released. This egg will no longer be viable and will just leave like any other bodily w…
Can swimming in a chlorinated pool affect your period??
Usually, when you get in the water (any kind), your period “stops”, and then it starts back up again a little bit after you get out. However, sometimes if I go swimming for hours at a time, it will stop completely, or slow down dr…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Will swimming with your period affect health?
Q: My mom told me that when you swim with your period, you risk the chance of being unable to get pregnant easily and it can affect your body. She asked a doctor, and the doctor said that swimming with your period is fine as long as you wear a tampon. But, my mom heard from a Chinese doctor that it COULD affect you. I swim 5 times a week, and my coach does not appreciate the fact that I skip almost a week’s worth of practices every single month. So, skipping practice is no longer an option. Who was correct?
A: The only effect it will have on your health is that you’ll have a great metabolism from all that exercise!If you’re having your period, an egg is being released. This egg will no longer be viable and will just leave like any other bodily waste. The other eggs in your body are not going to come into contact with anything from the pool. So, no. You’ll be fine.
can swimming in a chlorinated pool affect your period?
A: Usually, when you get in the water (any kind), your period “stops”, and then it starts back up again a little bit after you get out.However, sometimes if I go swimming for hours at a time, it will stop completely, or slow down dramatically, and then kinda “pick up where it left off” the next month. I know others girls who have had that happen. I don’t think that’s very healthy though, so you might want to avoid doing that
Can swimming affect when you get your period?
Q: I’ve had my period for about ten years now.My period ended on August 9, but as of the past 2 days, I’ve been experiencing tenderness in both of my boobies. I’m not sexually active, so I’m positive I’m not pregnant. To add to it, I’m 22 so my period’s has plenty of time to regularize itself over the past however many years its been part of my life. I’ve done a lot of swimming (both at the beach and in a pool) over the span of about 5 days last week. Could all that swimming have led to another period so soon? I suppose I should put a disclaimer up at this point to excuse me for asking a possibly silly question at my age. I’ve had mini-cramps (nothing major) but no spotting or full blown period as of yet.
A: it affects you a lot less after you’re regular, but if you had just recently got it within the last few years, you could catch “a chill” and get a coldedit: then it shouldn’t affect you. Don’t forget to wear a tampon 🙂
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