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How long does it take for Claravis to start clearing up my acne

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You will begin to notice an improvement in your acne about seven to ten days after starting to use Claravis. Since effects include bleeding of the gums, abnormal hair growth and dry eyes, nose and mouth. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/how-long-does-it-take-for-claravis-to-start-clearing-up-my-acne ]
More Answers to “How long does it take for Claravis to start clearing up my acne
How long does it take for Claravis to start clearing up my acne?
You will begin to notice an improvement in your acne about seven to ten days after starting to use Claravis. Since effects include bleeding of the gums, abnormal hair growth and dry eyes, nose and mouth.

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Breaking out really bad on Accutane (Claravis)?
Q: I have suffered from adult acne for about 12 years now. My dermatologist just prescribed me Accutane (Clavaris) two weeks ago. He suggested I take one 40mg pill twice a week. About four days after I started, I began to break out really bad. It is the worst my acne has ever been. I know it says on the pamphlet that it may get worse for a while, but has anyone had the same experience with really bad breakouts after starting? If so, how long did it take to start clearing up? I just don’t know whether or not to go see my Dermatologist again.Thank you in advance..
A: Yes, most of the time you will break out really bad before you start to clear up, it took me about 2 months before I cleared up. I have been on accutane twice. Both times worked while i was on it but all my acne came back after I stopped using it. I had to stop taking it due to liver cell damage along with some other sever side effects. I have had acne for 12 years also so I know what its like. I no not recommed accutane because of the side effects, and long term effects it has done to me.The treatments I am currently on are called Laser Acne treatments, You have to go in to get them done…works SO good. I noticed a difference after the second treatment (they only take 20 mins).The second treatment im doing is acid peels i do that in between the laser treatments. Acid peels help with my scars.Both are a little expensive but I believe its worth it after having acne for so long. They are also safer then meds.Hope this helps.
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